Traditional Family Christmas: Volume 2 by William J. Smith

Traditional Family Christmas: Volume 2




Bill and Suzanne Smith already had a large family with 3 lovely, beautiful, precious children; two handsome, young sons and a beautiful, spunky little girl; Elizabeth, when Suzanne gave birth to twin girls; Candace and Carol Anne in the summer of 2023 and now it is the holiday season and they are about to embark on a wonderful, memorable Christmas with their now 5 beautiful, precious children as they celebrate their twin infant daughter's very first Christmas as Bill and Suzanne try their level best to have a wonderful, traditional family Christmas; one that they and their ever-expanding brood will never soon forget.

    Product Details

    Publication date:08/30/2019
    Product dimensions:6.00(w) x 9.00(h) x 0.94(d)
