William and Pamela Smith always wanted to be parents,but when Pamela's doctor tells her that she had her husband can't conceive without fertility treatments,Pamela is devastated,but eventually decides to take these fertility drugs that her doctor prescribes her,and when she becomes pregnant,she and her husband are ecstatic, but little do they know what awaits them,when they become the unsuspecting parents of not one,or two,or three,or four,or five,or six babies,but record twelve,during the same pregnancy,and even more amazing;they all survive and now Pamela and Bill must learn to cope with being the parents of duodecaplets,as they learn that there is "A Dozen Ways to Say I Love You"
- Publication Date
- Apr 15, 2013
- Language
- English
- Category
- Fiction
- Copyright
- All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
- Contributors
- By (author): William J. Smith
- Format
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