Telekinesis is defined as the ability to move an inanimate object with ones mind.When Michael and Elizabeth Flannigan found a little,abandoned baby, in a cold,dark alleyway,after coming out of a Broadway play,they didn't know just how "special", this little baby was,or why someone would abandon her like she was,but they soon find out,when strange phenomenon starts occurring in their house.The Flannigan eventually adopt the baby and name her Carol Anne,but when they hire a nanny,named Jessica,they find out that,not only is Carol Anne telekinetic,but so is Jessica,and they soon find that the federal government also wants Carol Anne,so the Flannigans hide her in a facility run by a doctor who has ulterior motives than just helping Carol Anne and millions of others like her,and soon Carol Anne and her fellow telekinetics uncover this conspiracy that leads to a final confrontation between the government and these power,telekinetic children.
- Publication Date
- Dec 6, 2010
- Language
- English
- 9780557941834
- Category
- Fiction
- Copyright
- All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
- Contributors
- By (author): William J. Smith
- Format
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