The Adventures of Mighty-Girl by William J. Smith 5.0 (1) Paperback $26.75

The Adventures of Mighty-Girl

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Little Carol Anne was a normal little girl on a camping trip with her family,when aliens abduct her and give her superpowers in which she decides to use for good,and Mighty-Girl is born. Eventually, when Mighty-Girl breaks up a major drug-deal,she incurs the wrath of Mr. Fasendone,a local crime-boss who realizes he must 'do away with Mighty-Girl',once and for all.

    Product Details

    Publication date:08/31/2010
    Product dimensions:6.00(w) x 9.00(h) x 0.73(d)

    Customer Reviews


      • Reviews 8
      • Votes 6
      5 out of 5 stars.

      I Highly Recommend This Exciting,Action-Packed Book

      Mighty-Girl is a new kind of super-hero.Born after her alter-ego, Carol Anne,was abducted by aliens,Carol Anne decides to use her newfound super-powers for good,and so Mighty-Girl is born,but eventually Mighty-Girl makes enemies with the local crime-boss,Vincent Fasendone.This book is for anyone who loves action-heroes,including new,and up-and-coming ones,like Mighty-Girl.

      Originally posted on The Adventures of Mighty-Girl
