Outline for the rest of Best Friend's Forever: Volume 8

 Rest of Chapter 30: Carol Anne and Samantha get their ears pierced

Chapter 31: The group get-togethers of March 9-10, 2024 are explored

Chapter 32: The group get-togethers of March 23-24, 2024 are explored

Chapter 33: After not meeting for Easter weekend (March 30-31, 2024), the girls meet up on April 6-7, 2024 but not again until Candace's birthday-party 2 weeks later on April 20, 2024

Chapter 34: Covers the events of Candace's eighth birthday party on April 20, 2024

Chapter 35 and 36: Covers Mother's Day weekend (of May 11-12, 2024) and/or the events of the weekend before (May 4-5, 2024)

Chapter 37 and 38: Covers Memorial Day weekend of May 24-26, 2024 including either Natalie or Cheryl or both having barbecues that weekend on Sunday (May 25) and Memorial Day itself

Chapter 39: Covers events of the weekends of either May 31-June 1, 2024 and/or the following one of June 7-8, 2024

Chapter 40: Covers the events of Father's Day (June 15, 2024) with me taking the kids to the park and Carol Anne running into some of her friends also with their fathers. 

Epilogue: Covers Billy's graduation from middle/grade school, the kids getting off for the summer and all the way to the preparations for Samantha and Carol Anne's shared eighth birthday party.

Note: Subject to change. Some of these events described in this outline might span more than one chapter and that might through the actual chapter #'s and what happens in between the pages off. For example, events of Chapter 35 might bleed into Chapter 36 and the final Chapter before the epilogue may end up being #43 or 44 instead of #40. This is just a rough draft based on where I am in novel currently and therefore just a rough outline for rest of novel. 
