Outline for the rest of Six and One Half Dozen

Chapters 3-5 will cover me bringing Kristen and the sextuplets home from the hospital. Chapters 6 through at least 12, will cover the early days of having Kristen and the sextuplets home; getting used to the routine of taking care of them (with the help of our families, particularly Kristen's, who live in the area). From there, basically, starting with Chapters 13-20 for example, the book will cover events through the summer of 2022 when the sextuplets are 3-6 months old; achieving all the usual things babies their age do; giggling, sitting-up, crawling and interacting with each other, showing that they are aware of each other. Then, Chapters 21 through 27 or 28 will cover the autumn of 2022 and maybe even the winter of 2022-23 when the sextuplets are between 6-12 months old (this will cover at least the sextuplets' first year and might spill into their second or third year depending on the pace of the novel; targeting it being in the 400-450 maybe up to 500 pages range)
