Outline for Walking in a Winter Wonderland (Chapters 18-25)

 Chapter 18: I finish Carrie Anne's bath, get her into her Winnie-the-Pooh onesie blanket sleeper and then bring her downstairs. Then, Billy and Oscar have their shared bath and then Susan and I sit down to finally have our romantic, candlelight dinner with all of them interrupting us for one reason or another throughout.

Chapter 19:  After dinner, Susan and I watch romantic movies and once again, the kids interrupt us with Oscar needing either a drink or walking back to bed after a nightmare and Carrie Anne needing a diaper change.

Chapter 20: After getting a break from the snowstorms for a couple of weeks, at least until the last days of February 2024 or the first days of March 2024, the next snowstorm is set to arrive and once again, it's time to stock-up for the storm.

Chapter 21: It's time to put the kids to bed and yet, with the snow starting to fall, they all are too enamored by the snow to be all that cooperative, especially with regards to Carrie Anne.

Chapter 22: The next morning, there's enough snow on the ground to cancel taking the kids to day-care and therefore Susan and I call out of work and then put the kids down for their midday naps.

Chapter 23: Susan at least takes Carrie Anne and the boys out to play in the snow and as usual, we have to get the kids dressed in all of their snow-clothes, snowsuits and the like.

Chapter 24: Susan brings the kids inside and fixes the boys some hot chocolate and then I give Carrie Anne a bath while Susan fixes our dinner and then we sit down to eat after the kids' baths.

Chapter 25: Barely more than 4 or 5 days after the last snowstorm hits, the next one does and by March 10, 2024 we've already have a second snowstorm for March 2024 on our hands.
