Living a Dream: My Self-publishing Odyssey: Part 1

Ever since I was a little boy, I've always been fascinated with the written word. My earliest memories as a kid in the 1980's was me and my two sisters being given kiddy books to read, usually about all the usual, old-fashioned fairy tales and with my family being somewhat religious, we had one or two books based on Bible stories. When I went to school and was in Kindergarten, around 1984 or 1985, and was first learning to read, me and my classmates were given these little beginner reader books; usually only about 5-10 pages long and usually able silly things like apomorphic animals playing in a park together or going to the grocery-store together and from those, I remember making my own stories using these characters and my overactive imagination. Over the years,from the late 1980's into the early and mid 1990's, before the Internet and before PC's even became fixtures in everyone's home, I'd just use these legal pads and a pen and just hand write out these stories using imaginary characters. It was just around the early 1990's and when I became a teenager when I turned 13 in early 1992, that I started envisioning what the future might look like; not so much for humanity in terms of future technology and innovations that would change life as we know it, but more personally what my future might look like including having a family of my own one day. Then, those type of stories eventually started entering into or being the main focal point in my stories. I would continue to do this until my family got our first PC in or during the summer of 1997
