Outline for Walking in a Winter Wonderland (Chapters 3-10)

 The rest of Chapter 3: Susan systematically, methodically gets Carrie Anne into her plushy, faux fur, Winnie-the-Pooh snowsuit, zips her up until she's completely enveloped in the super-plushy, ultra-fluffy, extremely heavy and fuzzy onesie snowsuit and then takes her and the boys out to go play in the snow.

Chapter 4: Susan takes the kids back into the house, gets them changed and then gives them some hot-chocolate and then gets dinner ready. Then, she and I give Carrie Anne and the boys their baths.

Chapter 5: Susan and I put Carrie Anne and the boys to bed and the first paragraph is for putting Baby Carrie Anne to bed and the second is putting our twin boys to bed at their bedtime a bit later.

Chapter 6 and 7: Another storm is on the horizon about a week or two later and once again it's time to prepare for it.

Chapters 8-10: The next storm hits and once again its take the kids out in the snow,bring them in and give them some hot chocolate,give them their baths,have dinner and put them all to bed for the evening.
