Outline for Traditional Family Christmas: Volume 5 (Chapter 13-17 or 18)

 Chapter 13: The morning of December 13, 2026; watching our 3-year-old twin little girls play together in their shared bedroom and then having them come downstairs for breakfast in first paragraph; Suzanne and I putting the twins down for their midday nap.

Chapter 14 (and maybe Chapter 15 too): Suzanne takes the girls out to go grocery-shopping after Candace and Carol Anne awake from their nap and then take them home and we have dinner.

Chapter 15 and/or 16: Suzanne and I put Lisa and Billy,anyway,in religious education aka CCD and Suzanne picks them up from it one day in October (just to set an example of the routine Suzanne and the kids go through once this program started),and then two months later, roughly,the kids tell Suzanne that their CCD class is having a Christmas play or pageant at an auditorium in one of the community centers in the area. 

Chapter 16 and/or 17 and possibly 18 as well: We go to this Christmas pageant and watch the kids participate while Oliver and twins come in their feetie pajamas and maybe in one scene or paragraph or two, the kids need to use the potty and Suzanne and I have to take them to the nearest restroom while missing at least some or part of the pageant that Billy and Lisa Bear are in.
