Outline for She Just Loves to Dance (Chapters 5-10)

 Rest of Chapter 5: Candace gets Carol Anne and the boy ready for school; first preparing their breakfast and later getting them to get washed-up and dressed and of course, Carol Anne talks incessantly about her upcoming first ballet lessons.

Chapter 6: Carol Anne is at school and tells all of her friends about the ballet lessons starting tomorrow and finds out that at least two or three of them will also be attending said class

Chapter 7: The evening of February 4, from dinner and when I get home, to Carol Anne's bath and Carol Anne's first ballet lessons for tomorrow is the main topic of conversation throughout.

Chapter 8: The morning of February 5 and with the start of her ballet lessons just hours away,that's all that's on Carol Anne's mind to the point of it consuming her and then we get her ready to go.

Chapter 9 and maybe 10 as well: Carol Anne has her first ballet lessons and of course, at least Candace stays to watch mainly to offer our sweet-pea-angel-cakes some moral support. Then,that evening at dinner Carol Anne talks about what happened that first day.

