Outline for The Monster Under the Bed (Chapters 3-10)

 The Rest of Chapter 3: Carol Anne goes to the bathroom, but when she goes to climb upon her bed to go to sleep, she hears the growling from the monster under her bed and she goes to get me to calm her down and of course, the monster is now gone.

Chapter 4: Sandy and I become concerned enough about Carol Anne that we think of taking her off to see a sleep-specialist, especially after yet another instance of what we think are Carol Anne's night-terrors.

Chapter 5: The monster under the bed makes his ugly,scary,hairy appearance right in front of Carol Anne and since it blocks her from running off to get us, she just screams until Sandy find her cowering in a corner in either the fetal position or a completely defensive posture.

Chapter 6 and 7: Sandy and I take Carol Anne to see a sleep specialist and gets her to talk about these nightmares and of course, they center around this under-the-bed monster and then after the session,Sandy and I talk to Carol Anne about it.

Chapter 8: Carol Anne again sees the under-the-bed monster and again is cornered by it,but this time Sandy and I at least get to see something (though maybe we can't really tell what it is exactly), go under Carol Anne's bed;seeing just enough of it to be convinced that Carol Anne had a point about something being under her bed.

Chapter 9 and 10: Sandy and I try to figure out what to do,but at least at first vow to keep Carol Anne out of her bedroom and either have her sleep with us or with her big brothers. 
