The (Eerie) Silence of Solitude,Bolt out of the Blue or Flash in the pan

                                         At first,all seemed quiet in the Smith household on a typically cold,mid-winter Saturday morning when the youngest member of the family; sweet,adorable,beautiful little four-year-old peanut-angel,named Carol Anne,woke from a sound slumber,egregiously, emphatically yawned;her little mouth and jaw opening as wide as a deep cave and otherwise strongly, muscularly stretched her adorable, precious,blanket sleeper cocooned arms high above her pretty, adorable,precious,shiny,platinum-blonde head.Carol Anne then slowly,meticulously climbed out of her soft,warm,all-over-pink bed,leisurely, gradually tossing all of those soft,warm,comfy-cozy bed-covers and started slowly,deliberately padding over towards her bedroom-door and then right out of it.Even with the whole house being almost strangely,eerily quiet,Carol Anne didn't think much of it for she was quite used to the silence of solitude.In fact,a bomb could've exploded right next to her and Carol Anne wouldn't have noticed,mainly because she had only one thing on her beautiful,precious, adorable,little mind;getting downstairs to watch her favorite, beloved kiddie shows or cartoons on the living room flat-screen and the closer she got to the living room,with each step down the stairs she took,Carol Anne could just feel the excitement of getting downstairs and taking complete control of the flat-screen; something she doesn't usually get to do most mornings,even most Saturday mornings;the certainty that no one else was yet up and around increasing in Carol Anne's mind with each slow,methodical, calculated,precise step that she took with her blanket sleeper-enveloped feet.Then,once Carol Anne got to the living room,she meticulously padded over to where the remote was left;it almost calling to Carol Anne;begging our little sweet-pea to pick it up into her plump,chubby,roly-poly,little fingers and hands.Then,Carol Anne painstakingly,busily climbed onto the couch;kneeling on the edge first with one of her blanket sleeper-encompassed knees and then the other;the white,plasticy,vinyl-soles of the bottoms of her old-school,1980's era,Sears Winnie-the-Pooh,sunshine-yellow,one-piece,footed blanket sleeper's attached slippers or booties being clearly visible as they were temporarily facing up towards the living room ceiling as Carol Anne crawled to the back of the couch,turned and then parked her plump,adorable,blanket sleeper-shrouded butt on the back of the couch-cushion.Then,Carol Anne just monotonously,droningly, purposely pointed and clicked and soon the recently blank flat-screen filled with the bright colors of the picture being transmitted onto the screen. 

Carol Anne then just sat back and enjoyed the show,as it were.At first,Carol Anne enjoyed being the only one awake,but she also kept expecting someone,anyone,like Billy and/or Andrew;her two big, older brothers,to get up and come downstairs and purposely,consciously,assiduously snatch the TV-remote from her chubby,adorable,secure grasp.When that didn't happen and a few of her favorite shows came on and no one got up or came around and her adorable,precious,little tummy started rumbling and grumbling something awful,Carol Anne started getting quite curious as to why she was the only one awake amongst the family.Carol Anne then slowly,gradually climbed off the couch and padded out of the living room,passing right by a set of pictures placed on the end-table next to the couch one of which had a photo of Carol Anne and the boys with their cousins (from both sides of the family),in a family photo from the family gathering we had just a month or so ago around Christmas-time.
Then,when Carol Anne reached the stairs;brushing some wayward strands of long,flowing,vibrant, platinum-blonde tresses out of her pudgy,chubby,roly-poly,little face,she started slowly, painstakingly, meticulously climbing the stairs; taking one step-at-a-time like little kids of her age and stature. Then,once Carol Anne reached the top of the stairs,she started padding down the hallway;still fully expecting to walk into either our master-bedroom or the boys' respective little boy sanctuaries and find us all fast asleep.Yet,when she passed first Billy's and then Andrew's bedrooms and just briefly glanced inside,she found their beds completely and totally devoid of any bodies;slumbering or otherwise,in them whatsoever;let alone the bodies of her two bigger,older brothers.Naturally,this made Carol Anne panic,as she didn't understand what was going on;thousands of thoughts about being abandoned and whatnot,racing through her troubled,adorable,precious,little head.

       "Hey,where is...................hey,maybe Billy and Andrew are in Mommy and Daddy's room;yeah, that must be where they are!",Carol Anne methodically,painstakingly,industriously suggested,as her adorable,precious,cherubic,little face first went solemn and her adorable,precious,platinum-blonde head drooped like a lead balloon and then suddenly just shot straight up like a spring;her head suddenly acting like that on a bobble-head doll,upon this little idea of hers suddenly popping into her gorgeous, precious,platinum-blonde head like a balloon that got filled with too much helium.

       Carol Anne then turned and raced right down the hallway and right into our master-bedroom,but just as she reached the bedroom and glanced in and noticed that it was completely empty,she really got nervous and anxious and upset,as she then tearfully inquisitioned (herself of course):

       "Where is everyone? Why did they...................go out without me?"

       Carol Anne then slowly,meticulously,gradually stepped out of the master-bedroom and down the hallway;her tummy really rumbling something awful.Carol Anne then slowly stepped down the stairs and by the time she got to the last step,she just stopped and plopped her  blanket sleeper-cocooned butt down on the second-to-last step;the blanket sleeper's one-piece,form-fitting construction prompting the blanket sleeper to bend and crease in the area of her waist;ridging up-and-down in the area of or between her belly and her thighs in particular.Carol Anne then just put her adorable,precious,gorgeous, platinum-blonde head down in her pudgy,chubby little hands and began to cry.Then,as she got even more hungry,she just thought of the time when my beautiful,vivacious,blushing bride;Ellen,had shown her how to make toast about a month or two ago.Carol Anne then got up and thunderously, rambunctiously rambled out into the kitchen,paused for a moment to think of what she had to do first and then thundered right over to the refrigerator and threw open the door.Carol Anne then started rummaging in the fridge until she came across the loaf of white bread that Ellen usually uses to make toast for us and the kids on the off-chance the breakfast-meal that we were having called for it.Carol Anne then brought the bread over to the counter where the toast was;obviously having to stand on her blanket sleeper-enveloped tippy-toes to get the bread onto the counter.Then,Carol Anne went over to the kitchen-table and dragged one of the chairs over to said counter.
