Traditional Family Christmas: Volume 5

                                                      Chapter 1 (continued)           


                                  Before long, Suzanne came right back with her trusty, reliable, dependable smartphone and started voraciously, rapaciously snapping all of these pictures with her Samsung smartphone's camera feature; Carol Anne and Candace Anne stoutly, sturdily sitting in such a way that they looked intertwined or interlocked with each other; like the long, winding tentacles of an octopus, with one of Candace's adorable, chubby, chunky, roly-poly, blanket sleeper-cocooned leg lying or resting right on top of one of Carol Anne's adorable, chubby, chunky, roly-poly,  blanket sleeper-enveloped leggies; the girls both having one arm behind me raised up a bit in a vain attempt to get them around my shoulders and/or neck (mainly for a photo-op, as they eventually took said plump,chubby,blanket sleeper-laden or swathed arms down once Suzanne was done with the pictures).

      "So sweet-peas, I bet you both are really excited that the Macy's parade's on TV and that Santa Claus is going to be riding down the street a bit later", I then analytically, diagnostically, realistically broadcasted to Carol Anne and Candace Anne, shortly after Suzanne was done scrupulously, consciously taking all of these pictures of me and our two stunningly gorgeous, precious, towheaded, platinum-blonde, mirror-image sweet-pea-chubba-wubbas; who were looking ever so snuggily and cuddly in their super-plushy, ultra-fluffy, SEF  modacrylic, one-piece, footed, blood-red (Candace Anne), and sunshine-yellow (Carol Anne), Sears Winnie-the-Pooh blanket sleepers of heavyweight.

       "Yes, Daddy, but Candy Anne woke me up and started pleading with me to come with her, because she said that Santa's going to come on and we're going to miss it and I told her that it was too early for Santa to come on TV", Carol Anne then directly, diagnostically revealed to me, as she was practically shooting figurative, metaphorical daggers at Candace Anne in anger over how Candace had unnecessarily, needlessly disturbed her slumber earlier, as it was quite telling the anger that was written on Carol Anne's pudgy, chubby, chunky, little face like a page from a novel that she clearly wasn't over or hadn't gotten over her anger at Candace Anne over this malfeasance.
       "Hey, Candy-sweet-pea; that wasn't nice waking your identical, mirror-image twin-sister when she wasn't ready to get up", I authentically, wisely, pragmatically declared to Candace Anne, while glancing down at the sweet, beautiful, cherubic, blanket sleeper-encompassed little peanut-angel with the utmost love and affection for my angel-cakes, munchkin-princess.

       "But Daddy, I thought that Santa was going to be on and I didn't want to miss him", Candace Anne then forehandedly, documentarily, clinically revealed to me, as she did sound genuinely sorry or apologetic about needlessly, unnecessarily waking her identical-twin, mirror-image sister; even having to wipe some tears from her twinkling, cagey, dodgy, crystal-blue eyes that were flowing down her pillowy cheeks like a river, with her plump, chunky, roly-poly, adorable, little digits.

        "Well, you can clearly see that Santa hasn't come on TV yet. I told you guys that Santa doesn't come on the parade until towards the end; we still got hour, maybe a bit more, before we get to when Santa comes on in the parade"

           "See, I told you that; Candy Anne, but you wanted me to get up with you"

         "Okay, okay, Carol Anne, I said that I'm sorry!"

          Fortunately, before long, Suzanne got our tasty,delicious,scrumptious breakfast ready and it was time for all of us to come stoutly,steadfastly sit down to eat and with how ravenously,savagely hungry we all were, it didn't take me and our five stunningly gorgeous,precious,towheaded,platinum-blonde peanuts very long to rambunctiously,voraciously come out;mainly from the living room,and duteously, reverently sit down to ravenously,piggishly scarf down our delicious,scrumptious breakfast-meal once Suzanne had purposely,punctiliously called us to come sit down to eat; the loud footfalls of all five of our silvery,shiny,platinum-blonde sweet-peas loudly reverberating all over as they rambunctiously thundered through the kitchen.

                                 Shortly after they were done with ravenously,savagely scarfing down their own portion of our delicious,scrumptious,tasty breakfast,our five stunningly gorgeous,precious, irresistibly cherubic,little angel-peanuts swiftly,speedily,rapaciously got themselves duteously,neatly, systematically washed-up and then they all would thunderously, rambunctiously, rumblingly raced off to our sprawling living room; the cute,silly,unmistakable "swish,swish" sound coming from the felt-backed vinyl,plasticy,skid-resistant making quite the sound as Candace Anne and Carol Anne went thunderously,rambunctiously rumbling through and out of the kitchen and prompting Suzanne and I to wryly chuckle at the cuteness of the sound and how we could just picture the girls thunderously rambling out of the kitchen due to the familiarity of that sound to me and Suzanne.Of course,once Suzanne and I were done ravenously,savagely,wolfishly eating our own scrumptious,delectable breakfast,we painstakingly,industriously loaded up the dishwasher and then duteously,reverently went right back to the living room to watch the last 40 minutes or so of the parade;at least until the moment Candace and Carol Anne had long been waiting for finally,mercifully,thankfully arrived.
       "Daddy! Daddy,look;it's Santa Claus!", both Candace and Carol Anne joyously,jovially shouted,as they started rambunctiously,boisterously bouncing around in their seats on the couch to the extent that their blanket sleeper-clothed butts were actually getting several inches off the couch-mattresses and of course,it was proving quite annoying to sweet,adorable,spunky,little Oliver who was sitting with them on the same couch.


       "Yes,I see that's Santa sweet-peas,but you have to calm down now", I then obtusely,bluntly,wisely commanded my two stunningly gorgeous,irresistibly adorable,towheaded, blanket sleeper-encompassed, towheaded,platinum-blonde,three-year-old,mirror-image peanut-girls,upon noticing that both of them were rambunctiously,rapaciously bouncing around so much that they were almost making the couch shake and quake and was really getting on their equally blanket sleeper-encompassed "big" brother;Oliver's nerves.

        "Yeah,calm down,you two bozos!", Oliver then furiously,angrily,vehemently demanded of both Candace Anne and Carol Anne,ferociously,egregiously rolling his twinkling,cagey,cunning,dodgy, crystal-blue eyes and practically glared at his two mirror-image twin sisters who both still looked so adorable and snuggly-warm in their extremely plushy,exceptionally fluffy and furry,1970's and/or 1980's era,Sears Winnie-the-Pooh,one-piece,footed,blanket sleepers that look like these:

         Fortunately,Candace Anne and Carol Anne obediently,submissively did as instructed and calmed the heck down.Of course,that doesn't mean that they were any less excited that Santa Claus was coming down the street right in front of their perfectly-shaped,bubble-gum-shaped noses. Naturally,Suzanne just had to capture the energy in the room via her trusty,reliable,dependable, always-present Samsung smartphone's video feature (even though,by then,the girls weren't bouncing around as wildly and ravenously as they had been doing just now).

      "Look,Mommy,it's Santa Claus!", Carol Anne ecstatically,boisterously demanded of Suzanne, once Suzanne came leisurely,casually strolling into the living room with her smartphone; Suzanne glaring at the girls with a look of complete and abject love in her stunningly gorgeous,twinkling, penetrating,dodgy,artful,crystal-blue eyes.

       "Yes, I see that,sweetheart,but I have to ask you guys: have you been good girls this year?", Suzanne then foursquarely,purposely inquisitioned not only Carol Anne,but her mirror-image,equally blanket sleeper-enveloped,twin sister,as well,even as she was still holding her smartphone to her face and had it still recording the girls via its video-recorder option or feature.

      "Yes,Mommy,we've been very good girls!"

      "Oh yeah,like really!", Oliver then dismissively,skeptically demurred to both Candace Anne and Carol Anne,while furiously,indignantly,skeptically rolling his penetrating,sparkling,gorgeous, cunning,crystal-blue eyes and then resumed zealously watching the last moments of the parade.

      Fortunately, both Candace and Carol Anne ignored Oliver's snotty,snide comment about them, but with the parade now over and especially the last bit with Santa in it being over,both Candace and Carol Anne purposely,consciously climbed off the couch and productively,industriously strolled off out of the living room.Certainly by the time the first of the three football games on that day came on the flat-screen,Candace Anne and Carol Anne both were out of the way and at one point,as I was heading to the bathroom upstairs,I heedfully,gluttonously glanced into the girls' bedroom,it was confirmed where the girls were and what they were doing and then I just headed off to the bathroom.

                                                             Chapter 2

                               When Suzanne, the kids and I woke up and greeted the new day on the morning of November 27,2026,we all knowingly,instinctively,intuitively knew that this was going to be a totally new,fairly unique experience since it was the day called Black Friday;the day on the calendar that all retail outlets most salivate over.Of course,Carol Anne and Candace Anne were quite,over-the-moon ecstatic over our taking them to the mall to meet Santa and naturally,that was what was most on the two stunningly gorgeous,irresistibly adorable,precious, towheaded,platinum-blonde sweet-pea-peanuts sweet,adorable,growing,burgeoning minds almost from the moment that they both got up out of their soft,warm,all-over-pink,matching "big girl beds",once again almost simultaneously (at least this time Candace Anne didn't needlessly, unnecessarily wake Carol Anne from a sound slumber and in fact,she joyously,jovially played with her plushy stuffed animals and dollies until Carol Anne woke up and soon joined her;the different colors of their blanket sleepers being the only thing that Suzanne and I were able to tell between the two when we passed by their bedrooms shortly after we woke up a bit later that particular,late autumn,late November morning.No matter what,whether while sitting down to eat or getting methodically,thoroughly cleaned-up and neatly,systematically dressed in their special,frilly,ruffily dresses,our identical,mirror-image,three-year-old peanut-sweeties were always wearing these beautiful,cherubic smiles on their gorgeous,plump,chubby,little faces.

Then,once Suzanne had Candace and Carol Anne all nice and prim-and-proper in their little colorful,frilly,ruffily dresses;Candace in green;Carol Anne in red (but otherwise the dresses were pretty much matching;not surprisingly),Suzanne and I couldn't help but keep taking pictures of the girls almost to the point of being rather obsessive about it.Of course,I couldn't really blame Suzanne for this, for I too felt that the twins were just too precious and sweet and irresistibly,stupendously beautiful in those colorful,frilly,ruffily Christmas-dresses of theirs. 

       "Okay,is everyone ready to go to the mall for a whole day of shopping fun and frivolity?",I cynically, observably,rhetorically questioned Suzanne and the kids,once we all were dressed and it looked like Suzanne had finished taking her dozens of pictures of our towheaded,platinum-blonde, chunky,plump,roly-poly,mirror-image chubba-wubbas.

        "Yep,we should be all ready to go now",Suzanne then bluntly,obtusely,factually disclosed to me,as she and the kids were all duteously,reverently coming out of their rooms and such all dressed to go out; all of us looking all casually dressed,except our mirror-image twins and maybe little Oliver,since they were going to be having their pictures taken with Santa a bit later that afternoon.Then,Suzanne turned to the twins and continued."Are you two ready to go see Santa and sit on his lap?"

        "Yay;see Santa and sit on his lap!",both Candace Anne and Carol Anne ecstatically,energetically, affectionately bellowed,as they started energetically,enthusiastically bouncing around all over as if they had springs on the bottoms or soles of their adorable,precious,expensive,little dress-shoes.

        "Then come on;let's get going everyone!"

         Suzanne,the kids and I all then purposely,conscientiously,assiduously stepped out of the house and eventually off the front-porch.Then,once Suzanne,our five towheaded,flaxen,platinum-blonde angel-peanuts and I all scrupulously,productively climbed into and then duteously,purposely got ourselves muscularly,tightly,securely strapped into our respective seats or places in the big,bold,beautiful, behemoth "family roadster",I punctiliously,knowingly started the behemoth vehicle up and once it was purring like a kitten,I painstakingly,industriously pulled the SUV out of the garage and then we were soon off tooling down our tree-lined street and off for the malls in White Plains,NY

                                         Shortly after Suzanne, the kids and I biddably, reverently arrived at The Westchester Mall, I painstakingly, industriously,busily parked it in one of the empty spots,but only after scrupulously,meticulously driving around a bit due to how typically,almost naturally busy it was that Black Friday afternoon,especially early on.Then,once I did find a spot and studiously, assiduously parked our cold,steel beauty and then purposely shut the motor, Suzanne,the kids and I all scrupulously,methodically climbed out of the colorful,sprawling,luxurious,behemoth "family roadster"; Oliver and the twins most enthusiastically climbing out of the behemoth vehicle out of all of us;mainly due to their excitement over seeing Santa at the mall later.It was like they were going to meet their most favorite movie star or star of one of their favorite kiddie TV shows the way they were acting;all egregiously hopped-up on excitement and adrenaline.Then,once everything was all locked-up and we were all ready to go,we all purposely, assiduously made our way into the mall and eventually up to one of the retail levels or floors upstairs.Then,once we did get upstairs to one of the retail levels or floors, Suzanne,the kids and I scrupulously,purposely stepped out of the elevator with all the other shoppers who were also in the elevator-cab with us and then we started walking around.Not surprisingly, Suzanne made Oliver and the twins stay with us,mostly by having them hold our hands and while sometimes I held sweet,little Oliver's hands and Suzanne held our mirror-image twins,at other times, we switched and I was the one holding Candace and Carol Anne's hands and Suzanne had Oliver's.Of course,at first,Suzanne and I wanted to do some shopping before we had the kids go see Santa and not surprisingly,it brought about some whining from Oliver and the twins,as they wanted to go see Santa first and therefore it wasn't long before they started whining and moaning.

       "Mommy,Daddy,when are we going to go off and see Santa?",Oliver bluntly,obtusely,analytically interrogated Suzanne and I,as he was already starting to get antsy about seeing Santa and sitting on his lap and we weren't even done with and out of the first store that we stopped into yet at that time.

      "Come on,Oliver-honey;we only just got here;we'll go see Santa a bit later",Suzanne then authentically,enthusiastically,fondly concluded,as her tone of voice was of an annoyed tone or manner, even though it was also evident that she wasn't the least bit surprised by this and it also soon became apparent that Oliver wasn't the only one already wanting to go sit on Santa's sprawling lap.

      "Mommy,I wanna see Santa!",Candace Anne and Carol Anne would soon follow Oliver's lead and start moaning and groaning about,in due time,as it didn't take long for any of us to realize that the longer we made Oliver and the twins wait to go see Santa,the more arduous and painful to get through this day was going to become and the more annoying the kids would become as well.

      "Candy,Carol Anne,sweethearts,you two have to calm down;we're going to be going to see Santa later,but we have some shopping to do first and then we'll go see Santa",Suzanne foursquarely, authoritatively,industriously demanded,as she barely glanced down at our two towheaded,mirror-image twin-sweet-pea-angels before returning to look at the merchandise in the particular store that we were in at that particular point in our traditional,annual Black Friday shopping excursion.

        "But we wanna go see Santa!"

        "Girls.................listen to your Mommy",I then forcefully,authentically, prudently demanded of Candace Anne and Carol Anne,as though I was completely on Suzanne's side and did want to be firm and make sure that the girls knew that I was serious about them behaving and yet,I couldn't be mad at my two,stunningly beautiful,precious, cherubic,little peanut-angel-twins,especially upon noticing them both smiling these stunningly gorgeous,precious,cherubic smiles despite not getting their way in being immediately brought right to Santa's welcoming,sprawling lap.  

      "Yeah,you guys,stop your whining and listen to Mommy and Daddy and stop acting like little brats",Elizabeth Danielle then forcefully,authoritatively scolded her two mirror-image twin sisters who share so much in common with Elizabeth and not just in their shiny,radiant,vibrant,platinum-blonde locks or their twinkling,cagey, stunning and cunning,crystal-blue eyes and sharp wits.

       Fortunately,both Candace and Carol Anne calmed down and we were able to make it out of the department-store without further incident (of course,that doesn't mean that Oliver and the twins didn't get all whiny and fussy once again a bit later in the day and therefore,once again;we had to get them to calm down (usually after fussing and storming around and "making a scene"), and then we could go on with our day.Then,at a little after 3PM,that's when Suzanne and I gave in and finally gave Oliver and our mirror-image,platinum-blonde sweet-pea-angels what they had been craving all day for.

                                                                       Chapter 3

                     It was at about 10 minutes after 3PM that Suzanne and I felt that we had done enough shopping and it was time for us to take Oliver and our three-year-old mirror-image peanuts off to go sit on Santa's sprawling,warm,inviting lap and read off the long soliloquy of Christmas-present requests that they had for him.Then,once Suzanne, the kids and I duteously,purposely found their way to where Santa was located.Not surprisingly,there was quite a long line to go up and see Santa with many parents with their young children coming up to sit on Santa's sprawling lap.Naturally,Candace Anne and Carol Anne were the most excited out of everyone about our going up to have them sit on Santa's lap,but that excitement and eager anticipation soon turned to whining and moaning after being on that long,winding line for about maybe 10 minutes,but obviously felt like an eternity for both of our stunningly gorgeous,precious,mirror-image sweet-peas (though that's not to say that Suzanne and I weren't anticipating this,especially once we saw or noticed the long,winding line and instinctively knew that this would mean a long,arduous wait that would prove quite torturous for both Candace and Carol Anne.  
