The Youngest (or Littlest) Escape Artist

                                                        Chapter 1

                        It was at around 6PM when the crowd started filing into the auditorium to watch Paul the Great (magician), perform his typical, usual magic tricks. One of those filing in was Paul's sister; Christine, who was married to your truly and was the uncle of our four stunningly beautiful, towheaded, platinum-blonde offspring; Billy (13), Alex (10), Holly (8) and Carol Anne (who had just turned five), though the last one wasn't with us, but with Paul, for this was her first night as Paul's assistant.You see, all four of our children were very interested in magic and trying to figure out just how their magician uncle performed his tricks. It was during one of Paul's performances last year that we met with him back-stage after the show. Of course, that wasn't the first time that we had done so.In fact, since Paul first got into performing as a magician back when Billy was 5 or 6 and Alexander was 3 and Holly, barely months old, we've been going backstage to visit with my brother-in-law and it would be there that he'd show the kids how he does his tricks (or at least, he'd play around with them and try to see if they could guess how he performed a particular card-trick or how he pulled a bouquet of flowers out of a hat). Naturally, the kids would all have these looks on their adorable, precious, roly-poly, little faces that they were just in complete awe each time their Uncle Paulie would show them these magic tricks of his and that included our little girls. Sometimes,with his act, Paul would include escape tricks, whether escaping from handcuffs, ropes and chains, mail bags and even strait-jackets,making him not only a magician but also an escape artist and like with many people, these tricks would intrigue our four golden-domed angel-peanuts.Of course,it was no stretch of the imagination to say that Paul was inspired by some of the famous escape artists of the past and present when he came up with some of his escape routines,especially when it came to the strait-jacket escape.
Of course,it also was not too much of a stretch to say that our four stunningly beautiful,irresistibly adorable,precious,cherubic,platinum-blonde angel-peanuts were quite impressed by these escape tricks, as they not only always wanted their uncle to show them how he performs his tricks,but also wanted him to let them try some of his tricks on their own through his own instruction and though Christine was apprehensive about letting the kids try some of his escape tricks,eventually,upon seeing how our kids were able to take instruction and effect escape themselves,she calmed down about it.Of course,at first,it took some time for the kids to be able to pull off these escapes themselves and eventually Paul got them their own handcuffs and even strait-jackets that were in their size over time.                                           
