The Umpire was a Vampire

                                    It was a gorgeous Saturday afternoon for a baseball game.The fans were packed in the stands at Memorial Park in Springdale for a little league baseball game between two teams of eight-year-olds and one of them was my little slugger-dude;Andrew.Of course,he wasn't the only handsome, adorable,little slugger-dude of the family as his big brother;Billy,played in the same little league when he was Andrew's age and even played for his middle school's varsity baseball team just last spring. Meanwhile,my lovely, vivacious,voluptuous wife;Gabriela was at ballet class zealously, heedfully, greedily watching our 4-year old daughter;Kerri Lee dancing and twirling around along with our 6-month-old daughter; Carol Anne who was quietly napping in her infant-seat nearby.Then, once the ballet class was over,Gabriela and the girls quickly,knowingly grabbed their respective essentials, rapidly,speedily raced out of the ballet studio and then purposely,consequentially climbed into Gabriela's cold,steel beauty.Fortunately,as it turned out, Gabriela and the girls made it to the park just in time to watch our little boy take his time at bat in the third inning with his team winning by the score of 2-0 at the time.Therefore,when Gabriela and the girls got to the park and found where me and Billy were sitting and she realized that she made it just in time to see Andrew come to bat,Gabriela was quite relieved that she had made it and at just the right time although it was Kerri Lee who "gave it away",by announcing her presence to me and with everyone in the stands stoutly,steadfastly sitting there in rapt attention to see what was going to happen next,everyone turned to glare at us as Kerri Lee's adorable, precious, cherubic voice seemed to just echo all over the place due to the relative silence.

         "Hey,sweet-pea,you guys made it just in-time;Andrew's going to get his turn at-bat",I truly, dispassionately,factually announced when Kerri Lee came energetically,enthusiastically bounding towards me and her big brother;Billy while fondly,affectionately bellowing "Daddy!" as she rambunctiously thundered towards me still in her adorable,frilly,ruffily ballerina dress and tutu while Gabriela was approaching with Baby Carol Anne in her little infant-carrier-seat which Gabriela, obviously,holding the infant-carrier-seat muscularly,securely in her arms. "So,sweet-pea,how was ballet class today? Did you learn any new dance-moves?"

        "Yes,Daddy,we learned the double-reversal tap leap!", Kerri Lee foursquarely,truthfully,adeptly confirmed to me,as she seemed to just leap into my lap,though fortunately I was prepared for this inevitability and therefore wasn't painfully taken by surprise as it were.

       "Oh no,not the double-reversal tap-kick!"

       "Oh Daddy,it's the tap-leap,not kick!"

        "Hey,looks like we made it just in-time for our little boy to................get a hit,all right!", Gabriela factually,knowingly declared,as fortunately there was enough space for her to not only sturdily, steadily park her perfectly-shaped ass down next to me,but duteously,biddably place our gorgeous, cherubic,angelic baby sweet-pea-angel who was sitting in her little infant-seat happily,gleefully suckling on her pink binkie and though it was a warm day,she had on one of those snap-up,onesie sleeper/stretchie-suits all securely snapped-up around her.

         "Yeah,what do you know;you just made it to watch our little slugger-dude get his first hit",I then proudly,passionately,documentarily declared to Gabriela,over the din of all the other parents around us hooting and hollering all about;prompting me to have to deliberately,purposely raise my voice at the end.

       "Daddy,you missed me dancing around at ballet", Kerri Lee then bluntly,obtusely, assiduously moaned to me,as if I wasn't feeling bad enough that I missed my little sweet-pea-angel dancing and twirling around looking all prim-and-proper in her gorgeous, precious,adorable,little ballerina outfit.

        "Oh,I'm sorry,sweet-pea-angel-cakes,maybe next time I'll................come to your next ballet recital or whatever,how does that sound?"

        "Want me to show you some of the dances that I learned at my class today?"

        "Later sweet-pea;let's wait until after little Andrew's baseball game is over you can show me some of your moves from ballet class,okay?"


        Of course,it pained me to see my little sweet-pea princess being so bummed out about having to wait until we got home before she could show me some of her dance-moves,but like all little kids like her with short attention spans,she mood and attitude seemed to go right back to being cheery.  
