The Littlest Ballerina or My Own Tiny Dancer

                                                               Chapter 1

                        I was just coming home from a long,tiring day at work on a bitterly cold,mid-winter,late January 2022 evening when I came in the door completely beat and exhausted and ravenously hungry. Not surprisingly,from the moment I came in the door,I was soon enthusiastically,affectionately greeted in the usual manner by my voluptuous,gorgeous,youthful, vivacious,blushing bride named Candace and our three stunningly gorgeous,towheaded,shiny, silvery,platinum-blonde offspring; Billy (11), Teddy (8) and Carol Anne (4 and a half).Usually,I'd be home by or shortly after 5:30PM and usually everyone would still be in their "going out", clothes from earlier in the day (except in the summer-time when the kids would've since changed from their bathing-suits after spending a good part of the day in our expansive,spacious, sprawling,in-ground swimming-pool [but this wasn't the case this time,obviously,since it was the dead of winter this time]).This particular evening,however,I had to work late on a project and therefore wasn't able to come home until about 20 minutes to 7PM and by then,Candace and the kids had since finished ravenously,wolfishly eating their delicious, scrumptious dinner and in fact,Carol Anne,at least,had since been given her nightly bathy-bath and therefore was in her super-plushy, ultra-fluffy,SEF modacrylic,1980's era,Sears Winnie-the-Pooh,one-piece,footed,blanket sleeper with the cute-as-a-button vinyl,skid-resistant soles and bumper-toecaps on the cute-as-a-button, permanently attached,blanket sleeper feet/booties/ slippers;the blanket sleeper's bright,blaring,sunshine-yellow hue matching almost perfectly her stunningly gorgeous, blaringly bright,long,shiny,flaxen,platinum-blonde tresses almost to the letter,as it were.Obviously,being greeted by Carol Anne and the boys is always something I most definitely look forward to experiencing and whichever manner that they greet me with or whatever they're wearing at the time and this particular evening was no exception.In fact,for the whole ride home,I kept picturing just how Carol Anne and the boys were going to be greeting me and though I pictured them all in their clothes that they wore to school that morning,I knew that this probably wasn't going to be the case this particular evening and naturally,that didn't bother me one bit as I instinctively knew that that was just a minor, inconsequential detail.Anyway,as soon as I got in the door and I saw my sweet,adorable, precious,towheaded,little sweet-pea-angel-cakes rambunctiously rambling towards me with her adorable,precious,cherubic, blanket sleeper-swathed,little arms thrusted out real wide I immediately started smiling,as it was just such a wonderful sight to see and it definitely put a smile upon my face (especially after a long,arduous,tiring day at work; that and seeing Carol Anne energetically, enthusiastically, affectionately dance around [as she's always been one that seems to be naturally blessed to be light on her blanket sleeper-enveloped feet]).

      "Daddy,watch me I dance really good,Daddy?", Carol Anne hopefully, faithfully inquisitioned me,as she seemed to not be able to get enough of twisting and twirling her adorable,precious,cherubic,blanket sleeper-encompassed little body around,once she got done letting me fondly,energetically wrap my rough,strong, muscular arms around that beautiful,irresistibly precious,adorable,little blanket sleeper-enveloped body of hers;savoring;with all my might,the nice, perfect,comfy-cozy feeling of thick,plushy,fluffy,woolen softness of her old-timey,1980's era,SEF modacrylic, Sears Winnie-the-Pooh,one-piece, footed,blanket sleeper.

       "Yes,sweet-pea-angel-cakes;you are such an expert dancer"

       "Do you want me to show you all of my dance-moves;I learned a few more earlier today"

       "I don't know about that,sweet-pea;I just got home from work" 

       "Yeah,Carol Anne honey;let Daddy go get changed out of his work-clothes first",Candace then authentically,knowingly,punctiliously demanded,as he came industriously,purposely stepped into the foyer and then we both smooched each other on our respective,plump,moist,luscious lips,while Carol Anne just danced and twirled around some more just like a sweet,adorable,little ballerina.

       I then purposely,punctiliously stepped off and up the stairs and eventually down the hallway to the master-bedroom.I then "went through the motions",of getting painstakingly,industriously changed out of my work-clothes and into "something more comfortable" and then came right back downstairs and right into the kitchen where my piping-hot dinner was waiting for me;Carol Anne suddenly not being anywhere to be found by the time I finished ravenously eating my dinner only to find out that she was just getting warmed-up for her latest ballet performance.

                                            From the time Carol Anne was a baby,she was always so full of vim and vigor.She loved even when she was just a few months old,when one of us would pick her up and just hoist her up in the air (obviously not too high up;mostly just a few inches up off the floor and/or above our heads;all so as to make it all the easier to catch her without incident).Even before she could get up and toddle around,Carol Anne loved first bouncing around in her little infant bouncy-seat and then her little infant-sling-contraption and she also seemed to love when Candace and I would have her "dance" for us (mainly we'd just grab onto the little sweet-pea and gently,tenderly move her all about so that it'd look like her leggies [which even well into her second year of life seemed to always be encased in either overalls or footed onesies;either the terry-cloth snap-up ones or later the fleecy,fluffy,furry zip-up blanket sleepers],were "dancing" as it were).More recently and over the past 12-18 months,Carol Anne has loved putting on performances for us and usually in the form of wearing tights or more recently,this full ballerina get-up that she got for Christmas last year (of 2021, which was only just a month ago being that it's January 21,2022 after-all).

Practically ever since she got that ballerina outfit,Carol Anne has worn it almost constantly with only a few exceptions,whether to dance around and play in it during the day or has she had done just a week to 10 days ago,give me and Candy a five-star,award-winning ballet performance.
