The Great Sibling Rivalry: Volume 10

                                                           Chapter 5

                        As per usual, Emily and I were up even before the sun on the morning of Wednesday,September 6, 2023. The only difference was, was that Emily had to painstakingly, systematically wake Carol Anne and the boys as well. Therefore, when she leisurely, gradually sauntered into first the boys' respective bedrooms and then Carol Anne's all-over-pink, uber-girly, ultra-feminine bedroom, Emily consciously, knowingly opened the window-blinds and when the harsh, blinding, late summer sun's rays blazingly blared into their respective bedrooms failed to wake the kids (though it usually wakes at least Andrew; due to how his bedroom's situated and where his bed is situated relative to the bedroom-window), Emily leisurely, gradually, haphazardly padded over and started (gently at first and then more forcefully, more energetically), vigorously, rapaciously shaking the kids awake.Eventually, all three of our golden-maned, angel-peanuts woke up after a varied amount of time and they all had to egregiously yawn and forcefully, energetically stretch their adorable, precious, chubby, cherubic, little arms and legs to get all the kinks out of their joints like a bunch of robots. Not surprisingly, all three of our gorgeous, platinum-blonde, towheaded, flaxen-maned angel-peanuts were quite reluctant to get up and readily comply (even Carol Anne [who is very well-behaved and well-mannered]). 


     "Okay, Andrew, it's time to get up; time to get ready for your first day back to school!", Emily foursquarely, straightforwardly commanded, as she was trying desperate to wake him, though he was already starting to toss and turn and show some signs of life shortly after Emily purposely, advisedly opened the blinds.

      "Oh man, it's time to...............go back to school...............already?", Andrew then whiningly,begrudgingly, dismissively demurred to Emily, as he was still very slow to come around from his sound slumber (though Emily couldn't be sure if Andrew was just deliberately being difficult and slow in his getting up out of his bed), Andrew quickly, speedily throwing his arms up over his silky-smooth, angel-soft forehead and held them over his eyebrows to shield his twinkling, cagey, artful, crystal-blue eyes.

      "Yes, Andrew; it's finally the first day of the new school-year..................come on; you knew that this day was going to come eventually, so you're just going to have to face the music, now come on and get up!"

      "Yeah, but did it have to come right now?"    

      "I'm sorry, honey, but that's the way it come on get up and come along before your breakfast gets cold"

        Andrew then slowly, meticulously, reluctantly climbed out of his soft, warm and inviting bed and leisurely, haphazardly padded out of his uber-boyish, ultra-masculine bedroom right behind Emily, who then went to go wake Carol Anne, as she forcefully, authentically demanded (when she came over to vigorously, rapaciously shake Carol Anne awake after allowing the sun's harsh, late summer rays blare right into Carol Anne's all-over-pink, uber-girly bedroom):

        "Carol Anne wake up honey; it's time to get up; today's your first day back to school...................sweetheart, wake up now; it's time to get up to go have breakfast"

         "Oh Mommy, do I really..................have to get up..................what did you say about school?"

       "You and the boys are going back to school today;it's the sixth of September; summer's over,now let's go before your breakfast gets cold"

         Carol Anne then slowly, gradually, meticulously climbed out of her soft, warm bed and begrudgingly, beguilingly, reluctantly padded across her all-over-pink bedroom and right out into the hallway. Then, once Carol Anne and the boys got downstairs to the kitchen and duteously, biddably, reverently sat down at the usual, normal, typical seats at the kitchen-table and then Emily grabbed Carol Anne and the boys' breakfast off the stove and painstakingly, productively served them their delicious, scrumptious breakfast and naturally; with how ravenously, wolfishly hungry they were, Carol Anne and the boys immediately started savagely, piggishly scarfing down their tasty, delectable breakfast. Then, once each of our three stunningly gorgeous,irresistibly precious, shiny, towheaded, platinum-blonde sweet-pea-angels finished savagely scarfing down their delicious, tasty, scrumptious breakfast, they all neatly, systematically went right upstairs and got themselves washed-up and off to get painstakingly, industriously dressed for their first day back to school. 

                                 Later that morning, once it reached 8AM (or rather as it was approaching that time), on a normal morning, the kids and I would grab our needed essentials and then we'd just duteously, purposely, meticulously head on out to the garage and eventually we'd just duteously, systematically climb into my cold, steel beauty and neatly, methodically drive off. This morning, however, with it being the kids' first day back to school, things went a little differently. Instead, Emily wanted to get some pictures of Carol Anne and the boys in their "Back to School" clothes or outfits with her trusty, dependable smartphone and though Carol Anne and the boys reacted in the exact same way that they usually do to these things; indignantly, furiously rolling their respective, sparkling, penetrating, dodgy, crystal-blue eyes and moaning and groaning, they still obediently, submissively did exactly as Emily had authoritatively, sensibly, prudently instructed of them;getting right into the exact positions that Emily had instructed so as to maximize or utilize spacing and lighting and other such factors that go into "the perfect picture", as it were (although I do have to admit that Emily was taking it a bit too far and I had to even keep checking my smartphone to see what time it was and make sure that all of this picture-taking of my vivacious, blushing bride wasn't going to make me and the kids late [which wouldn't look too good on the kids' academic record; that they were late], for their first day back to school).

            "Okay, kiddoes, time to get going, now that Mom's done with taking these pictures of you guys in your new 'Back to School' outfits; it's time for us to get going to school now", I then authoritatively, sensibly, pragmatically disclosed to Carol Anne and the boys, once Emily was finally, mercifully done rapaciously taking all of those pictures of the kids with her trusty, reliable, dependable Samsung smartphone.
        "Okay, you guys; have a wonderful first day back to school", Emily then bluntly, obtusely declared to Carol Anne and the boys, as she was consciously, assiduously showing me and our three stunningly gorgeous, irresistibly adorable, precious, towheaded, platinum-blonde angel-peanuts out the door; bending over and planting some sloppy, messy kisses on each of our three precious, sweet, adorable, platinum-blonde sweet-peas' chubby, chunky, roly-poly faces and silky-smooth foreheads; even if  none of them had nice, happy, cheerful smiles on their precious, cherubic faces. Then, as I was about to step out, Emily turned to me and continued, as we practically locked lips. "And you have a good day at work, my darling"

       "Yes, same to you, my love,my darling;love-of-my-life...................come on, angel-peanuts; let's get going now"

       I then duteously, purposely stepped out and then off the front-porch and then casually, leisurely sauntered off down the walkway and out to the garage.Then, once at the garage, I painstakingly, systematically opened the garage and eventually, purposely climbed into my cold, steel beauty's driver's side door, while Carol Anne and the boys neatly, knowingly climbed in the back-seat. Of course, it wasn't until I scrupulously pulled my hot-rod out of the garage, but I glanced over and noticed Emily still stoutly, sturdily standing in the doorway zealously, heedfully watching us off.Then,as I consequentially pulled my sporty, luxurious hot-rod down the driveway, Emily slowly, meticulously stepped back inside and closed the front-door.Once I had my colorful, sporty, luxurious hot-rod out of the driveway and in the street, we were then soon tooling off down our tree-lined suburban street of well-manicured lawns.   

                                                  Chapter 6

                   Like has happened countless times before,I first dropped Little William off at Springdale High School first after the kids and I had left the house about a dozen or so minutes before. Then, once Little William climbed out of my cold, steel hot-rod and purposely, consciously, neatly went to go meet with some friends that he had just happened to spot as I was tediously, meticulously pulling my sporty, luxuriously,cold,steel beauty,I painstakingly, scrupulously drove right off out of the driveway or lot of the high school and down the street to where Andrew and Carol Anne's grammar or grade-school was located.Then,when we did arrive,Carol Anne and Andrew painstakingly,productively got their necessary essentials together and then scrupulously,industriously climbed out of my cold,steel,luxurious hot-rod,but not before they gave me their usual send-offs with Andrew giving me his usual, quick fist-bump and Carol Anne leaning over and giving me a quick,nice,sweet kiss on the cheek (which,naturally,I savored;the nice,sweet feel of Carol Anne's plump, moist lips on my face),before punctiliously stepping out in a slower, more gradual manner than Andrew did (even if he was even less looking forward to going back to school than Carol Anne did). Of course,I didn't purposely,deliberately,assiduously let Carol Anne and Andrew leave before I deliberately,purposely,consciously gave them my own special,personal send-off as well.
       "Okay you guys,you have a great first day back to school today;you two beautiful,cherubic,little angel-peanuts and I'll see you guys later tonight after I get home from work", I diagnostically,hopefully unveiled to Andrew and Carol Anne as I consciously pulled my sporty,luxurious hot-rod right up to the front of the school after the two or three cars in front of us finally moved away just enough to allow me to meticulously,industriously pull right up just as several kids (including those that just climbed out of the cars in front of us),were strolling up to the school with various rates of speed for one reason or another.  

        "Okay Daddy, see you later tonight", Carol Anne straightforwardly,obtusely, adeptly disclosed to me,as she finished voraciously,adoringly kissed me and then purposely,consciously climbed out of my sporty,luxurious hot-rod and naturally,I savored every moment of feeling Carol Anne's moist,rosy lips on my face as I always do whenever my one-and-only little peanut-girl kisses me on the face.

         "Man,I'm real lucky to have three whip-smart,attractive,stunningly gorgeous,precious,towheaded, platinum-blonde angel-peanuts for children and that Carol Anne;my little sweet-pea,she's only getting prettier and smarter with age,believe-it-or-not.I mean,she's always been beautiful and will always be my little angel-princess,but I'm real lucky to have such beautiful,smart babies;me and Emily really have truly been blessed with what we have;we really are"

         Naturally,I stoutly,sturdily sat there and zealously,heedfully watched Carol Anne stroll off and once I noticed that she had spotted some of her friends just a minute or two later,I logically,rationally, instinctively knew that everything was going to be okay with Carol Anne and Andrew and therefore I just purposely, intently,consciously started my cold,steel beauty up and once I had my sporty hot-rod purring like a kitten or mountain lion,I painstakingly,cautiously pulled out away from the school-grounds and soon systematically drove off to work;logically, rationally knowing that the kids were going to be okay and that it was going to have to patiently,good-naturedly wait until that evening when I got home from work before finding out how their first day back to school went.

                                          Naturally,it took a few days to a week for Carol Anne and the boys to get used to "getting back into the routine", of going to school;having to get up by 7AM,maybe a few minutes before;to get up and go ravenously,wolfishly scarf down their necessary,morning nutritional essentials and then go off to neatly, systematically get washed-up and dressed for school.Obviously,Carol Anne and the boys wouldn't always get up all ready to go to school completely readily and would moan and groan whenever Emily would forcefully, physically get them up and about in the morning (more so with Andrew and Carol Anne,since Billy [now that he's just months from turning 18],now gets himself up with his alarm-clock).Nevertheless, Andrew and Carol Anne would eventually wake up,climb out of their respective, soft,warm beds (albeit slowly,leisurely,gradually),and then they'd productively, industriously,albeit haphazardly,pad out of their respective bedrooms and down the hallway and eventually the stairs and into the kitchen.Then,Emily would busily, scrupulously,industriously serve Carol Anne and the boys their tasty,delectable, scrumptious breakfast.Not surprisingly (with how ravenously hungry they would be),Carol Anne and the boys would,almost immediately,start scarfing down their delicious,scrumptious breakfast. Then,once they were done eating,Carol Anne and the boys would all go get thoroughly,meticulously washed-up and then dressed and duteously,biddably ready to go off to school.Meanwhile,during the month of September 2023,the relationship of Andrew and Carol Anne both went along quite well,as they continued to get along with each other, certainly when compared in the past when Andrew would tease his little kid-sister and quite mercilessly at times.Of course,with Andrew still in middle-school (his last year of it,being that he's in Eighth Grade now despite only just turning 13 in October (October 22,2023 to be specific about the date),and Carol Anne in Fourth Grade (having just turned nine (years old),a couple of months earlier),Andrew wasn't able to be there to defend Carol Anne,to be her knight in shining armor whenever some punk kids or bullies decided to mercilessly tease Carol Anne,but at least Carol Anne,being nine now,can defend herself quite well;all things considered.Of course,all of this wasn't at least completely lost on Emily and I,as we both commented,on several occasions,what we observed about the kids;all of it coming from not only what we observed,but what came out of the kids' own,respective,little mouths.    

       "So,how's school going so far;now that we're a couple of weeks into the new school year?", I bluntly,obtusely questioned Carol Anne and the boys one evening on or around September 20 or 21,2023,as we were all stoutly, stalwartly,steadfastly sitting all together at the kitchen-table and we all were at various stages of ravenously, savagely scarfing down our tasty,delectable,scrumptious dinner,over the usual,unmistakable din of everyone at the table at various stages of consuming either food or drink or both.

       "It's going okay",was the common,blunt,obtuse,abrupt refrain from Carol Anne and the boys,in a manner or tone that conveyed that they really didn't have much to talk about on the subject for obvious reasons (since,again,the 2023-24 school year had only just started by that time and the kids really hadn't had any classroom projects to work on and/or tests/exams to study for),and they didn't have anything to say as far as juicy classroom gossip and the like.

        "So you all are getting along with all of your friends and classmates?"


        "At least things are going well;so far", I bluntly,obtusely,adeptly observed to Emily a bit later that evening,as we were scrupulously,systematically unloading our trusty,reliable, dependable dishwasher once it was done "doing its business";Carol Anne and the boys,as per usual,as they seem to do relentlessly,daily as if by rote,off in their own respective bedrooms; the boys no doubt doing something or another on their trusty,reliable smartphones,while Carol Anne;being more of a sucker for old-school play,not surprisingly,jovially, harmoniously playing with her beloved plushy dollies and toys at the time.

       "Yes,well,the school-year has only just started,so obviously the kids aren't going to really have much news and things about school to talk about right now", Emily then factually, clinically,documentarily broadcasted to me,as we were in the middle of neatly,systematically putting our dishes and eating utensils away in the usual places where they're usually kept, after drying them off from being in the dishwasher just now. 

      "Yeah,I guess that you're right,honey"

      Emily and I then finished painstakingly,productively putting away our dishes and eating utensils away in the cupboard and cabinets and whatnot where they belong and then Emily and I went off to catch-up with our shows and social media contacts and whatnot and whatever else we usually do to decompress for the evening and before long,Carol Anne at least came downstairs to announce that she was going off to bed for the evening,since that seems to be her new bedtime routine than waiting for us to get her washed-up and tucked into her soft,warm bed.

                                                                Chapter 7

                                          Unlike in years past when the calendar turned to October and Emily would start inquiring Carol Anne and the boys what they want to dress as for Halloween,but this year,even with Carol Anne being nine,Emily just assumed that Carol Anne and the boys were over wearing costumes for Halloween.Then, when Emily and I and the other parents of the students of Carol Anne's grade-school were informed that the kids would be able to wear their Halloween costumes to school on October 31,2023;a Tuesday,Carol Anne sprung it on Emily,seemingly from out of nowhere with barely more than 10 or 11 days to go before October 31,2023 that she wanted to wear a costume to school that day (even if she was starting to consider herself too old to be going door-to-door trick-or-treating later that evening),Carol Anne certainly seeming to have a way of springing these surprises on us so that we'd have to frantically scramble to,in this case,find her a Halloween costume to wear.

