If at First You Don't Succeed

                                                         Chapter 1

                               Almost from the start my children (and especially my firstborn little boy; Little William),were really interested in sports almost to the point of being obsessed. When they and especially Billy and his younger brother; Oliver, were little tykes; certainly while they were still wearing diapers and sleeping in mahogany cribs, maybe before they could even walk,talk or really understand much of anything,I'd have my little pumpkin-angels that I had with my beautiful, vivacious,voluptuous,blushing bride;Scarlet,sturdily,stalwartly sit with me (usually on my wide, inviting, sprawling lap),as we'd zealously, heedfully watch whatever sporting event was being broadcast on the various cable stations that broadcast such fare (even though I very well knew that none of the little peanuts would understand one thing that was going on in that silly flat-screen in front of them at just six months old).By the time Little William was just old enough to understand the rules of most sports games,I was also having his little brother;Oliver,sitting with us as well,even if he was barely a year old by then.Even when our twin daughters;Holly Anne and Candace Anne were born and they were as young as 15 or 16 months old and we'd bring them and the boys to the park,they'd want to rambunctiously,purposely play toss with me and the boys as well and naturally,I wasn't about to discourage any of my sweet,adorable,beautiful,little peanuts from playing soccer or football or whatever that we had decided on playing on a particular afternoon.   
As time went on and the kids got older,their love of playing football,baseball or whatever else that they wanted to be playing during a particular afternoon would only grow exponentially.If Billy and Oliver wanted to play football or soccer, that's what Holly Anne and Candace Anne seemed to want to do as well;always inquiring the boys if they could tag along or play along as the case may be.
