Daddy's Most Stunningly Beautiful, Little Princess

                                                        Chapter 1

                                     It was about 3:30AM and I was just heading back from the bathroom and about to head back to the master-bedroom and climb in beside my peacefully slumbering,vivacious, voluptuous,stunningly gorgeous,youthful, blushing bride;Maggie,and with the way our bedrooms were situated,I had to pass by what was deemed the beautifully furnished nursery of our one-and-only sweet-pea-princess (after our first 3 children were all boys,it was practically a miracle when our daughter was born), when I heard the unmistakable sound of our eight or nine-month-old,one-and-only baby-girl (who we named Carol Anne after the little girl in my favorite 1980's horror movie growing up), moaning and wailing from inside and as soon as I stepped into the nursery and turned the light on,I noticed the sweet,adorable,little peanut standing up in her big,bold,beautiful, pink mahogany crib with her pudgy,chubby,roly-poly little hands and fingers curled around the strong,sturdy,stalwart, mahogany crib-bars;a scene I've seen countless times before and it was as I heard or thought that I heard her trying to say "Dada" or "Daddy", that this added a whole new dimension to the situation.

        "Hey,sweetheart,what's going on;what's wrong angel-peanut?", I sympathetically,bluntly, abruptly inquisitioned Baby Carol Anne,as I slowly,gradually,purposely padded over to her and Carol Anne started forcefully,eagerly thrusting her blanket sleeper-clothed arms towards me (or at least one of them while keeping her pudgy,chubby,little hands on the crib-rails).Of course,by the time I did get to Carol Anne in her big,bold,beautiful,mahogany cribby-crib and I scrupulously,busily hoisted her up out of her pink,mahogany crib by pressing my rough,calloused,work-worn hands under her adorable,plushy,fluffy,SEF modacrylic-laden armpits and was able to sniff her blanket sleeper-entombed butt,I knew just what it was."Oh boy,sweet-pea,sounds,no smells like you made quite a smelly in your diapie.Sounds,no smells like you need your diapie changed;yes you do!"

        I then scrupulously,industriously whisked the sweet,adorable,little blanket sleeper-enveloped chubba-wubba right over to her changing-table on the other side of the nursery and carefully, gradually lowered her right down onto the contraption and painstakingly,securely strapped her down.Then,I immediately "got down to work",as it were and started neatly,regularly, systematically getting Carol Anne out of her plushy,fluffy,onesie footsie Winnie-the-Pooh blanket sleeper and started getting her changed and eventually,industriously,productively cleaned-up.Of course,as I was doing this,I wasn't all just business,as I did play with Carol Anne a little bit (mainly by tickling her and blowing on her pudgy,chubby,round,little belly),making her squeal in delight and that was music to my ears.Just seeing that beautiful,round,plump,chubby little face smiling as I played with my little peanut-girl was just such a sight to see and to savor for always.It also made me realize just how lucky a guy I am to have such a lovely,beautiful family as the one me and Maggie have,prompting me to reveal to the sweet-pea:

         "Oh,Carol Anne-honey-bunny,me and Mommy are so lucky to have such a lovely,beautiful, adorable,little chubba-wubba as yourself as our little angel-peanut;you are just too precious and sweet; yes you are! Yes you are! Yes,me and Mommy love you so much;Carol Anne angel;yes we do! We love you so much!"

        Of course,being just nine months old,all my sweet,adorable,Carol Anne-chubba-wubba could do was just sit there and giggle and coo all about and that's when I wasn't making her giggle and squeal in delight with my blowing on and kissing her pudgy,chubby,roly-poly,little tum-tum that seemed to be just sitting there;desperately begging for me to blow on it and pretend to be eating it and such.Of course,it took a while,but I eventually realized that I could sit there,quite literally,all night if I just completely lost myself and forgot what my original purpose for standing there straight and stock-still with my eight or nine-month-old peanut-girl there on the changing-table in front of me and what got me to come to this realization was Carol Anne's suddenly shivering and looking all around uncomfortable with the freezing-cold air on her bare,chubby,chunky leggies and round,rotund infant-belly,prompting me to sympathetically,empathetically broadcast to the little chubba-wubba:

       "Oh,I'm sorry,angel-peanut;Daddy forgot that he has you sitting there with your bare leggies,belly and fat,round,plump,little butt all out there exposed to the world and Daddy's all nice and warm in his jammies and everything,so now that Daddy's got you all cleaned-up,he's going to get you all dressed; first in a new diapie and then right back into your Winnie-the-Pooh blanket sleeper jammies so that you can be all nice and toasty warm!"         
