Big Family,Big Responsibility

                                                                 Chapter 1


                                        For many years, I've pictured myself as a family man and though there have been times during the course of my life where I wasn't sure if I'd ever achieve this,for I've never been much of a lady's man (not that I've never had a girlfriend;it's just that none of the relationships I did have over the years actually lasted for more than 12-18 months), but when I finally met the woman of my dreams; the one I just knew was my supposed "soulmate"; a lovely,vivacious, voluptuous hottie named Kirsten,I just knew that I'd hit the jackpot,as it were. As we were going out,Kirsten and I would have lots of chats about the type of family we had envisioned having (mainly as we were "getting hot and serious", and especially once we got engaged by 2019 and married by the summer of 2020 15 or 16 months later).Not surprisingly,Kirsten and I would go back-and-forth between wanting a large family with lots of offspring and a small or medium or average-sized one (of 2 or 3 kids).It wasn't until after we got married,however,that Kirsten and I were able to put that plan into action,particularly by the summer of 2021 when Kirsten found out that she was what she had expected for weeks to a month by then;she was pregnant.Naturally,when she first found out about this,she couldn't wait to eagerly,earnestly inform me about it and contacted me via her trusty,dependable smartphone.Naturally,when she contact me about the news,I was quite enthusiastically ecstatic that we were finally going to be parents,though Kirsten had more than just having confirmed that she's pregnant in her news.

       "Wow, that's great honey;we're about to have a baby!", I ecstatically,eagerly, obtusely observed to Kirsten upon her factually,clinically,documentarily informing me that she had it officially,categorically confirmed what she had expected for the past few weeks now via her trusty,dependable,reliable,ever-present Samsung smartphone and of course,I obviously,purposely had mine on-hand as well (even if I was supposedly in the middle of a project at work).
       "Honey, Doctor Mandolin said that we're going to have multiples", Kirsten then obtusely, succinctly,adeptly confirmed to me,as she apparently was over-the-moon ecstatic about what her OBG/YN had methodically,assiduously informed her about the exciting situation and/or prospects and naturally,I was right along with her in this immense excitement.

       "Oh,okay,so we're going to be having twins;how cool!"

        "Actually,he didn't say that it's going to be just twins;he thinks it could be triplets or even quadruplets;isn't this exciting?"

         "Yeah,,three or four babies at once!" 

         Naturally,it wasn't long before Kristen started showing all the usual,naturally,typical,classical signs of being pregnant and not just with one baby but multiple infants in her belly.

             Of course,Kristen wasted no time in informing all of her friends and especially family and relatives about being pregnant with multiples and naturally,that led to everyone wishing her luck and congratulating her for getting pregnant,especially knowing how much Kristen had wanted to be a Mommy for a long,long time (since she was a kid,virtually).
