Best Friends Forever: Volume 7

                                                             Chapter 3

                                   Shortly after Sarah, Amanda and the girls got all of the groceries put away in their respective refrigerators, they then duteously, biddably, reverently stepped out of their respective homes and painstakingly, industriously climbed into Amanda's and Sarah's cold, steel beauties, got themselves muscularly, strongly, securely strapped in and then; once Amanda and Sarah had their hot-rods purring to life like a couple of kittens, they purposely, knowingly pulled their colorful, cold, steel beauties out of their respective driveways, literally within a few minutes of each other and then they were off to The South Orange Mall; their mall destination of choice. Of course, when they first arrived, the girls didn't end up parking right next to each other or even on the same parking-garage level and yet, they ended up meeting at the same retail-stores level and fairly early on after they got upstairs and though it had only been 30 or 40 minutes since they last saw each other, Samantha and Carol Anne still ended up reacting the same way that they always do when they first see each other; bellowing out each other's name and energetically, fondly, affectionately flung out their respective chubby, chunky, roly-poly arms as they rambunctiously, voraciously raced towards each other like a couple of charging rhinos and of course, Amanda and Sarah sure weren't going to do anything to needlessly discourage their two sweet, adorable, little peanut-girls from doing this; savoring every scrumptious minute as if savoring a fine wine.
       "So, where do you guys want to go next?", Sarah diagnostically, realistically, bluntly queried Amanda and the girls, once they were able to calm down and Samantha and Carol Anne deliberately, conscientiously pulled away from each other, over the constant, repetitive din of all the other customers and shoppers busily hustling and bustling by them; Sarah industriously brushing some wayward strands of her long, flowing, platinum-blonde hair out of her youthful face. 
       "I don't know, I don't have any particular spot or store that I was fixing to go into. I mean, if you have any particular store you wanted to shop in; maybe if you were fixing to buy something in particular, I don't mind if we'd go there and I'm sure Sammy and Carol Anne won't mind being together no matter where we go", Amanda then dispassionately, knowingly declared to Sarah, having to virtually shout over the loud, rapacious noise of the other shoppers hustling and bustling by them, while they were standing around; trying not to be in everyone else's way while trying to figure out just where they were going to be heading first or next.                   
       "Nah, I don't have any particular place or store in mind at the moment"

        Amanda, Sarah and the girls then started leisurely, aimlessly wandering around the mall together and if they did stop in a particular clothing or department store; it was mostly just to check what they had in the store that might be on-sale or something that caught their eye like a bad cold, a baseball outfielder might catch a fly-ball or a football wide receiver catching a pass from his quarterback while they were doing some haphazard, gradual window-shopping. Meanwhile, Samantha and Carol Anne were just devotedly savoring being with each other, as all good, close friends are. Sometimes the girls would conspicuously, innocuously walk hand-in-hand or even arm-in-arm, while at other times, they'd be just leisurely, haphazardly walking close to each other, but they were never more than a few inches away from each other.Then, later that afternoon, once it reached the usual time that Sarah leaves to go head home, she then foursquarely, intentionally, diagnostically disclosed to Amanda (Carol Anne and Samantha getting annoyed and/or agitated for; until Amanda responded, they thought that they were going to be broken-up):

         "Hey, it's just after five o'clock, I think we should head on home or at least me and Carol Anne do, since it's getting close to dinner-time and Bill's going to expect us home and he's going to be bringing pizza home for our dinner"

        "Yeah, we're probably going to head home too, because it's getting close to dinner for us too"

         Therefore, Sarah, Amanda and the girls started painstakingly, industriously heading right off; Samantha and Carol Anne being quite relieved that they were going to be going home together, even if in two different vehicles. Of course, when it did come time to leave, Samantha and Carol Anne gave each other a big, even tearful, hug, as if they weren't going to see each other ever again; as if one of them was moving away for good right that evening. Then, once Carol Anne and Samantha purposely, consciously moved or stepped away from each other, they slowly, meticulously went off with their respective mommies and were soon all buckled up and driving off for home.

                                       Right the next day (July 24, 2022), Sarah had Amanda and Samantha come over and with it being sunny out (though there were a few times when some white, puffy clouds would dot the sky from time-to-time, but never once did the skies turn even remotely threatening that particular afternoon), and therefore the outside air temperature warmed well into the 80's, that meant only one thing: swimming-pool-time. Of course, being just across the street and almost instinctively, psychically knowing that the weather conditions were perfect for the kids to go swimming, Amanda allowed Samantha to come over already wearing one of her cute, colorful, decorative, little one-piece bathing-suits. Therefore, when the girls came over and Carol Anne was also in one of her colorful, decorative, practical, one-piece bathing-suits, it wasn't too much of stretch to believe that Samantha and Carol Anne would want to go right out to our backyard, in-ground swimming-pool almost immediately; proof that they had going out and rambunctiously, boisterously, harmoniously splish-splashing about in the refreshingly cool, in-ground, swimming-pool-water. At first, however, Samantha and Carol Anne greeted each other with the usual rambunctiously racing over to each other and strongly,muscularly wrapping her plump, roly-poly, cherubic arms around each other like a couple of long-lost sisters that hadn't seen each other in many years.

        "Oh, Samantha; you have your bathing-suit on; come on; let's go out and go swimming!", Carol Anne ecstatically, enthusiastically suggested upon realizing that Samantha was in one of her adorable, beautiful, colorful, practical, one-piece bathing-suits with cute, little cartoon teddy-bears and the like printed all over; while Carol Anne's had a cute, colorful, floral print on her one-piece bathing-suit, once she came downstairs to greet Sammy and her mommy shortly after Sarah had warmly, welcomingly invited the girls into our nice, cozy, humble, suburban abode.

         "Yeah, come on, let's go..................can we go swimming, Mommy?", Samantha then bluntly, abruptly inquisitioned Amanda, as she was about to go rambunctiously, boisterously thunder out the glass patio-door to the backyard with Carol Anne when she realized that she was going to have to get Amanda and in turn Sarah's expressed, verbal permission to go out to go swimming and then have Sarah and Amanda go out to keep tabs on her and Carol Anne, for obvious reasons.

       "Yeah, you guys can go out there, but you have to wait for me and your mommy to come out there so we can watch you guys", Sarah foursquarely, foresightfully declared to Samantha and in turn Carol Anne, even as Billy and Teddy were also heading out (if they weren't already in the pool outside), as well as while the girls were already halfway to the glass patio-door.

        "Come on Samantha; let's go swimming!"

        Just then, Samantha and Carol Anne rambunctiously, voraciously took off like a couple of speeding bullets, rampaging to and then out through the patio-door like a couple of bulls in a china-shop and though they were excited to be getting out to our backyard swimming-pool, the girls still used common sense and; knowing that the pool-water was going to be freezing-cold to the touch as soon as they climbed into said swimming-pool.Therefore,the girls climbed into the pool in the usual, slow, deliberate manner. Once they were in the nice, refreshingly-cool pool-water and their adorable, precious, cherubic, little bodies had gotten used to or accustom to said refreshingly-cool pool-water, Samantha and Carol Anne started voraciously splashing about in the swimming-pool.Naturally,during the course of that particular midsummer afternoon, the kids would have to get out of the pool,mainly to use the bathroom upstairs and when that happened,Sarah would authentically, politically instruct whichever kid it was that needed to go inside to use the bathroom to first get themselves meticulously,systematically dried off before they went inside.Not surprisingly,whenever one of the girls needed to go inside and quickly, speedily,consciously go relieve themselves,the other one would get out and go with them even if they didn't necessarily need to go themselves.Then,as per usual,once 5PM came around,that was when Amanda decided that it was time to go home again. 
       "Hey, Sammy-honey;it's time to get going home; it's just past five o'clock now and daddy just got home and I had him put our dinner in the oven,so we better get going now", Amanda authoritatively, sensibly, politically disclosed,once she realized how late it was getting and that she and Samantha were going to have to get ready to leave to go back across the street.

       "Oh, do we have to be leaving now,Mommy;can't me and Carol Anne play for a little bit longer?", Samantha then hopefully,faithfully questioned Amanda,once Amanda was able to get her attention and Samantha and Carol Anne swam to the edge of the swimming-pool.

       "Hey,Mandy,when is your dinner going to be ready; I can take Samantha back across the street if it's going to be another half-hour or an hour before you guys are ready to sit down", Sarah then sensibly, prudently suggested to Amanda,as she felt bad about the girls having to separate so soon and thought that they didn't have to break-up quite so soon;under the circumstances.

        "Are you sure that you want to do that Sarah; I mean,it won't be a problem or put your own dinner off unnecessarily?"

        "Yeah,it's okay Mandy;I'll bring Samantha back over across the street in a half-hour"

        "Oh,okay,that sounds doable,so sure;bring her back in about thirty or forty minutes"

        "Did you hear that,Carol Anne; we can still swim around and play some more"

        "Yeah, Sammy, we're going to have lots of fun;let's go swim again!"

         While Amanda then deliberately,determinedly turned and started neatly,systematically getting ready and then she meticulously,conscientiously stepped into and through the house;Sarah kindly, courteously,regularly showing Amanda through the house and then out the door,Samantha and Carol Anne went right back to rambunctiously,boisterously swimming around together.Then,as determined by both Sarah and Amanda,at a little after 5:30PM,Sarah had the girls dry themselves off and then Sarah courteously,generously walked Samantha across the street and then;by 6PM,Sarah,the kids and I were duteously,reverently eating our delicious,tasty,delectable dinner ourselves.

                                                                    Chapter 4

                                    After another week went by with everyone keeping their contacts to just social media,the weekend of July 30-31, 2023 came around and by then;we had reached the middle of the summer without really having done much during the kids' summer vacation from school. Unfortunately,with it being a fairly rainy,stormy weekend,there really wasn't much to do, though on that Saturday (July 30,2023),Billy went to see some superhero movie with his friends and Teddy had a playdate at a particular friend's house.Meanwhile,that afternoon,the girls went to the mall,though this time,it was just me,Sarah and Carol Anne for the day.Then,the following day (July 31,2023),Sarah and Carol Anne went to Candace and Cheryl's house and met Amanda and Samantha there as well;giving Carol Anne two of her close friends to play with.Even though she didn't have her friends to play with that Saturday (July 30,2023),Carol Anne didn't seem all that bummed out;so long as she had me to play with her;muscularly,securely carrying her in my strong,muscular,loving arms one minute and playfully, thunderously running around,tickling and slobbering all over her gorgeous,precious, chubby, roly-poly face with those all-so-pinchable,fat,blubbery,pillowy 6-year-old cheeks of hers.  Nevertheless,Carol Anne really reveled in having her friends around to play with her when she and Sarah went over to Cheryl's house that Sunday afternoon.Therefore,when Sarah and Carol Anne arrived at Cheryl and Candace's house and Cheryl welcomingly,warmly invited Sarah and Carol Anne right into the house and Candace came rambunctiously,rumblingly thundering down the stairs towards Carol Anne like a rampaging rhino or water-buffalo,not only was Candace's plump,chubby, roly-poly face was blaringly beaming with immense glee and delight,so was Carol Anne's plump,chunky,blubbery,little face and it was just like the girls were two,long-lost sisters who hadn't seen each other in many years or even decades.Naturally,it was all really cute and Cheryl and Sarah both were quite impressed with and were able to savor the sight of just how ecstatically,enthusiastically thrilled Carol Anne and Candy were to see each other and it was just like when Carol Anne meets Samantha and/or Debbie,both of whom Carol Anne has known personally for much longer than she's known Candace;Samantha deliberately,respectfully coming right behind Candace.
         "Carol Anne,you're here;come on up to my bedroom and play with me and Samantha",Candace joyously, harmoniously,delightfully commanded,once she came thundering down the stairs and noticed that Carol Anne and her mommy;Sarah,had since arrived to her house with Samantha purposely following right behind;all three girls wrapping their pudgy,chubby,roly-poly arms around each other with Samantha trying to wrap her arms around both Candace and Carol Anne at the same time,while Candace wrapped her arms around Carol Anne only. 

       "Go ahead, sweetheart;go off and play with Candy and Sammy",Sarah then authentically,shrewdly,obtusely instructed Carol Anne,as Carol Anne turned to glance in Sarah's direction as if looking for Sarah's approval to go thunder off with Candace and Samantha as if she still needed that parental permission even after all of this time of Sarah not once responding negatively to Carol Anne's "request",as it were.

         Upon her being granted "permission",Carol Anne rambunctiously rumbled off with both Candace and Samantha;their adorable,little footfalls loudly,angrily reverberating all over the house it was so noisy and booming. Before long,the girls duteously,consciously reached Candace's all-over-pink,uber-girly,ultra-feminine bedroom and thunderously rumbled right in and got right down to business,as it were,all while Sarah went with Cheryl into the living room where Amanda was patiently,tolerantly waiting for them;Cheryl eventually going off to get Sarah a drink,while Amanda was three-quarters of the way done with her drink from a bit earlier.

        "So,would you like me to get you something to drink,Sarah?",Cheryl bluntly,obtusely,succinctly questioned,shortly after Sarah and Cheryl started leisurely,casually strolling into the living room and then;while Sarah sat down on the couch next to Amanda,Cheryl just stood there all stoic and stock-still in case Sarah wanted something to drink before they all got started.

       "Yeah,I'll have a water if you've got it,Cheryl"

        "Sure,a water's coming right up"

         Cheryl then gradually,haphazardly stepped away and strolled off out of the living room and right off into the kitchen,a minute or two later.Then,a minute or two later,Cheryl came right back with a bottle of Poland Spring water and courteously,knowingly,generously handed them to Sarah,all while the booming,rumbling sound of Candace,Samantha and Carol Anne were rambunctiously, thunderously running around and playing in Candace's spacious,sprawling,all-over-pink,uber-girly, ultra-feminine bedroom was reverberating all over the house.Of course,throughout that afternoon,the girls would have to pause to go use the potty and at one point;a little over an hour after Sarah and Carol Anne had arrived to Cheryl's house,Carol Anne and the girls all came downstairs to get some refreshments and without hesitation;Cheryl got up and painstakingly, meticulously served all three of the sweet,irresistibly adorable,stupendously precious,little angels some apple-juice in some practical, sensible paper-cups.As per usual,once it reached 5PM, however,Sarah,Amanda and the girls all industriously, productively gathered-up their essential necessities (whatever they brought with them, which wasn't much),and productively,busily exited stage left as it were.          

                          As per usual, Sarah and Carol Anne came home at a little after 5:30PM and when they got home,dinner was already in the oven thanks to modern technology allowing Sarah to contact me before she left Cheryl's house to relay her request for me to put our dinner in the oven.Therefore,in the case of perfect timing, just moments after Sarah came home and slipped into "something more comfortable",she was able to take our dinner out of the oven and then we all just sat down to ravenously,wolfishly scarf down our delicious,tasty,scrumptious dinner. Naturally,with how ravenously,wolfishly hungry we all were by then;some or most of us having not eaten in at least the past several hours or more,it didn't take much poking and prodding from Sarah to get us all to immediately, energetically jump-up from our lofty perches and enthusiastically,energetically come running at Sarah's every beck-and-call (even if it did take Carol Anne and the boys a bit of time to arrive in the kitchen because they were in their respective bedrooms upstairs and therefore Sarah need to put a little more oomph in her calling to the kids to come downstairs to stoutly,stoically sit down to our spacious,sprawling kitchen-table to ravenously,piggishly eat dinner with us).

        "So, who's house did you guys end up going to this afternoon?", I observably, diagnostically questioned Sarah and Carol Anne,shortly after we all sturdily,steadfastly sat down together to ravenously,wolfishly eat our delicious,scrumptious dinner and Sarah was in the middle of productively,industriously serving us all our delicious,scrumptious dinner;Sarah having served Billy and Teddy and was about to serve Carol Anne her delicious,scrumptious dinner now or at this time.

      "We were at Cheryl Franklin's house and Amanda and Samantha were there,too", Sarah then straightforwardly,matter-of-factly revealed to me,as she then assiduously, conscientiously,punctiliously placed Carol Anne's whole plate of food right in front of the salivating,sweet,adorable,cherubic,towheaded,platinum-blonde sweet-pea and not surprisingly,Carol Anne almost immediately started wolfing all that delicious,tasty, scrumptious food that was just placed before her,down her adorable,little gullet. 

      "Yeah and I got to play with Samantha and Candace,Daddy!", Carol Anne then ecstatically,enthusiastically documented to me,in quite an excited,cheerful,gleeful tone of voice and even started eagerly,energetically bouncing in her seat,just after she took her first bite of her dinner after Sarah had placed it down in front of her and just being able to savor how her adorable,sweet,cherubic,little face was blaringly beaming with happiness over her being able to play with her adorable,little friends was just such a blessing.

      "Wow,sounds like you had a lot of fun,sweet-pea-angel!"

     "Yeah,Daddy,we played with Candy's dollies in her room and we played House and Tea-Party and Ballerina and we had cookies and juice!"

       "Wow,sounds like you had a very busy day with your friends;angel-peanut!"

        I then went on to inquire Billy and Teddy about how their days went and of course, they gluttonously,chattily,talkatively informed me about all of the things that they and their friends did during the course of the afternoon.Eventually,once everyone was done,while Carol Anne and the boys just thoroughly,systematically got themselves washed-up and then just quickly,speedily,thunderously rumbled off,once Sarah and I were done eating,we both neatly,systematically got the kitchen-table cleaned-up and duteously,respectfully loaded everything into the dishwasher and;moments later,once it was done cleaning everything,we unloaded the washer and put everything away in their proper places before going off to get settled-in at least until Carol Anne's night-night time.

                                                                                                   Chapter 5

                                        Like during a typical month of August,during this particular August (of 2022),Sarah and the mommies went about getting their little sweet-pea-angels ready for the new 2022-23 school year in the usual,typical fashion; purchasing the needed,necessary supplies that the little buggers were going to need to allow them to experience some level of economic success during their adult years through their education. Therefore,on their many,numerous trips to the malls and stores like CVS and Walgreens, Sarah and the other mommies would mostly focus their shopping lists on obtaining said needed,essential school supplies.Of course,Carol Anne and her friends saw these meetings (where they'd meet at a particular mall),in a different way than their mommies did;not a way to purchase needed essentials,but as opportunities to see and interact (meaning playing),with each other,as was the case on August 13,2022 (the weekend of August 6-7,2022 was just too nice and warm to stay indoors,so the girls mostly just went out to one or the other's backyard and let the girls rambunctiously splash about in Amanda and Keith's pool that Saturday [August 6],and at Jacqueline's pool on that Sunday [August 7,2022]).As per usual,on the 13th,the girls all met at their usual spots in The South Orange Mall and then;once they did meet up within 30 or 40 minutes of the first arrivals and the last,they all started heading off;most of them already having an idea by then where to go head off to first.Almost from the start,Carol Anne and her friends,in particular,started rambunctiously playing;almost to the point of making nuisances of themselves,but it was when they almost caused an accident running into some of the other shoppers who were hustling and bustling around them,that the mommies knew that they had to forcefully, vehemently put their figurative,proverbial feet down to prevent disaster.

        "Carol Anne...............Samantha.....................Debbie...............come over here girls and stop running around;you're going to cause.....................see,you almost ran into those people now come over here and calm yourselves down!", Sarah and the mommies forcefully, authoritatively broadcasted to the girls,upon their almost running into some of the other shoppers hustling and bustling around them in the mall,over the unmistakable din of said hustling and bustling of the other mall-shoppers all around them.  

        "Mommy,are we finally going now?", Samantha eventually,abruptly moaned to Amanda,once she and the other girls eventually "got the hint", and obediently complied with their mommies' wishes and came droningly,robotically slinking back to where their mommies were,as they were waiting for the last arrival(s),as with their being such active little buggers,it was almost a slight to suggest that they actually calm down and sit still like human beings.

        "We have to wait for Jacky and Becky to arrive and then we can go", Amanda then foresightfully, documentarily disclosed to Samantha,still having to raise her voice in order to ensure that the girls would hear her even when they were close-by;the girls furiously, fumingly rolling their stunningly gorgeous,respective,twinkling,cagey,cunning,crystal-blue eyes,but then went right back to playing,but in a more controlled manner than they had before.

        Finally,once Jacqueline and Rebecca came to meet everyone,they all went off to do their needed,necessary Back to School shopping with the little six-year-old peanuts following closely sometimes behind,sometimes right ahead of their mommies.Of course, Sarah and the mommies duteously,respectfully made sure that the girls were staying out of trouble and not making unnecessary nuisances of themselves.Then,once the mommies felt that they had purchased all that they needed to purchase for that particular shopping excursion,the girls went back to their respective hot-rods,but didn't climb into said hot-rods to leave,for it was only a little after 3:30PM that afternoon.Therefore,the girls just went right back into the mall and painstakingly,industriously wandered around some more. Then,once they realized that it was after 5PM,by a quarter after the hour,Sarah and the other mommies and their gaggle of adorable,beautiful,precious six-year-old peanut-girls,all duteously,reverently headed right off back to the mall's garage and their respective,cold,steel beauties and this time,muscularly, tightly secured themselves and their little peanut-girls into their respective seats and then;once they had their sporty,luxurious hot-rods purring like kittens,they pulled off and were soon off for home.

                                       During the latter half of August 2022,Back to School shopping really ratcheted up all across the fruited plain.Fortunately,thanks to some wise,sensible planning,by the weekend of August 20-21,2022,Sarah and the mommies were already practically done;certainly with purchasing all of the essential school supplies that they knew that their little munchkins were going to need to get through the upcoming school-year ahead.Therefore,that particular weekend,though they did go to the malls that Saturday (August 20,2022),it was more just to have someplace to go for the afternoon while it was a rainy,stormy day outside.Fortunately,the next day (August 21,2022), however, the sun came back out and we were able to take the kids to the park and that's where Carol Anne ran into her little friends,particularly Sammy,Becky and Candace.At first,when Sarah, the kids and I first arrived at Memorial Park,I painstakingly, industriously parked my cold, steel beauty and then we all started scrupulously,busily taking all of the things that we had consciously,knowingly packed away in the trunk of my hot-rod and then we started methodically,neatly, systematically making our way right into the park;the boys and especially our one-and-only,little towheaded,angel-peanut thunderously,rambunctiously racing off into the park;Carol Anne especially making a beeline right for the playground equipment as she usually tends to do.Meanwhile,Sarah and I just painstakingly,productively got ourselves set-up off in a corner of the park and then we just zealously,heedfully watched Carol Anne and the boys rambunctiously,voraciously race around the park and have lots of fun and a good time;Carol Anne even before her little friends like Samantha (Thompson) and Candace (Franklin) showed up.Then,when Sammy, Becky and Candy did finally show up (of course,not all at the same exact time),Carol Anne got really,really excited that her friends had finally showed up;all of them,as per usual, racing towards each other ecstatically bellowing each other's name whenever they'd show up and first notice or spot each other.Not surprisingly and eventually,Sarah and the mommies also spotted each other and eventually came over to chat.
        "Hey,Sarah................hey,we just got here,how long have you guys been here?", Amanda curiously,systematically,meticulously questioned,upon her and Keith finding where we had got ourselves set-up;Sarah and I getting a head's up that they were around when we overheard Samantha and Carol Anne energetically,enthusiastically calling or bellowing out each other's names once they had consciously,knowingly spotted each other almost to the point that they had some sort of internal radar that detected the other's presence.

        "For a couple of hours now roughly", Sarah then factually,documentarily,adeptly revealed to Amanda,just as she and Keith pulled-up right next to us and then duteously, purposely plopped themselves down beside us,over the usual,unmistakable,unavoidable sounds of not only nature,but all the other kids and families that were thunderously, rambunctiously playing and carrying-on all around us,including our own little peanuts.

       When Cheryl and Jacky also came around,they too purposely,assiduously came around and soon there was a whole gaggle of mommies chatting on one side and me and Keith and Cheryl's and Jacky's hubbies also chatting with me on the other side,as it were.As per usual at these sorts of gatherings,there were a few occasions when the girls would need to go use the potty and though they are six-years-old now,Carol Anne and the others still like to have their mommies accompany them to the bathroom and therefore the mommies would have to courteously,generously excuse themselves in order to go with the girls.

       "Mommy,I have to go the bathroom;can you come with me?",Carol Anne hopefully, faithfully inquisitioned Sarah at one point at around 3:30PM that afternoon;Carol Anne haplessly dancing around a bit and holding her Osh-Kosh B'Gosh shortalls-clothed crotch in her adorable,pudgy,chubby,little hands;proof that she had to go use the potty real bad and though it would be debatable if she was doing this for show,if it were,it worked like a charm as it got Sarah to react in the way that Carol Anne was hoping.

       "Excuse me you guys;I have to go help Carol Anne with her overalls;I'll be right back",Sarah clinically,dispassionately confirmed to the other mommies,as she slowly, deliberately,determinedly got up and padded off with Carol Anne,who was now rapaciously, voraciously racing off at top warp-speed to the bathroom;instinctively,intuitively knowing exactly where she was going as if by rote or by mechanics,as it were.

        Before long,Sarah would be done with whatever she had to do with Carol Anne; helping our towheaded,platinum-blonde sweet-pea whenever needed.Not surprisingly,this also happened with Amanda and Cheryl with their little girls and like Sarah,they were more than happy to oblige their own,respective,little sweet-pea-peanut and they too would graciously,generously excuse themselves and go off with their own sweet-peas.Then,once 5:15PM rolled around,we all decided,pretty much simultaneously,that dinner-time was approaching and that it,therefore,was time to leave for home.Therefore,we all started meticulously,painstakingly getting ready to go home;scrupulously,industriously getting all of our things gathered-up and the like.Then,once we all were able to studiously,productively gather-up the kids and then we all determinedly,systematically made our way off to our respective,cold,steel beauties,placed our things in said vehicles,got ourselves mightily, securely strapped in and then took right off for our respective homes;much to Carol Anne and her friends' dismay because,quite obviously,they didn't want to get separated even though they had been together all day and they would be seeing each other again before long (though a bit longer than if this were the middle of the school-year,however).

                                                        Chapter 6

                        Due to the way that the calendar for September 2023 fell,the 3-day Labor Day weekend in 2022 inevitable,systematically stretched from September 3-5,2022.Therefore, the weekend of August 27-28,2022 was practically the second-to-last weekend before the new 2022-23 school year was set to begin.As per usual,during that weekend,Sarah and the mommies and their sweet,adorable,little peanut-girl crumb-crunchers met up as per usual at our house that Saturday (August 27,2022) and at the supermarket and/or malls that Sunday (August 28,2022),due to it being a sunny and very warm day in the case of the former and it being a rainy,dreary,stormy day in the case of the latter date.Of course,Carol Anne and her little friends didn't mind where they met up either of those two days;they were just happy that they were able to see each other those two days regardless of where.Therefore,as per usual,when the girls first got to see each other and in particular,when Sarah and Carol Anne ran into Natalie and Little Debbie first,this time,both Carol Anne and Little Debbie enthusiastically bellowed each other's names as they charged towards each other in a rambunctious, almost galloping manner like a couple of rampaging rhinos or wild horses or like a couple of speeding cars,bullets or locomotives,as it were.Meanwhile,the mommies certainly were thrilled to see each other and though they knew that each of them were going to be going grocery-shopping among other things that particular afternoon (of August 28,2022), they obviously didn't coordinate that they'd be there together and yet,eventually Sarah,Natalie and Amanda and therefore Carol Anne,Samantha and Little Debbie consequentially,inadvertently ran into each other while they all were simultaneously at the same supermarket at around 2:30PM (when Sarah,Natalie,Debbie and Carol Anne ran into each other),and 3PM (when Amanda and Samantha joined the fray as it were).  
        "Hey,I didn't expect to see you here.I mean,I knew that you were going to be doing some shopping today,but you didn't necessarily specify when you were going to do it",Sarah astonishingly,surprisingly marveled to Natalie first and then a bit later,said pretty much the same to Amanda when she first ran into them (though it was upon hearing and witnessing Carol Anne and the girls shouting each other's names that Sarah first knew that Amanda and Natalie couldn't be too far behind).

        "Yeah,I know,I wasn't really sure when I was coming here,so it's really amazing how we seemed to be on the same wave-length when it comes to these things",Amanda amazingly,astonishingly marveled to Sarah,as they were just starting to walk together as they seemed to just assume that they needed to get the same exact things on their shopping lists and needed to get everything at the same exact time.

      Nevertheless,Sarah,Carol Anne and the girls all walked around with each other and of course, Carol Anne and her friends were all glad to see each other and the mommies had to keep tabs on the girls to make sure that they weren't causing too much of an unnecessary ruckus in the store with their playing and running around and the like;scolding them a couple of times when they did.Not surprisingly,when it came time for the girls to break-up and go their separate ways,it was quite heartbreaking to see how bummed-out the girls were over this.

       "Oh,Mommy,do we really have to go home now?!",Samantha questioned Amanda,when Amanda declared that it was time for her and the girls to get going and go home once they had all of their groceries and food totaled-up and bagged and ready to go,while the girls had determinedly,purposely crowded around one of the nearby magazine racks and though they are six and can read,it was clear that the girls were more interested in the pretty,colorful pictures in these magazines than the articles. 

       "Yes,Samantha,it's time for us to leave now;we've got all of our things totaled-up and bagged and now it's time to go home", Amanda then factually,documentarily,clinically revealed to Samantha,even as Samantha and the other girls were starting to obediently,submissively put the magazines with the colorful,decorative pictures to go along with the mostly adult-oriented articles,back away.

       "Come on,Carol Anne,let's go;put the magazine away and come along",Sarah then authoritatively, shrewdly,prudently demanded,upon cerebrally,consciously noticing that Carol Anne was still seemingly mesmerized by what pictures in the magazine that she was deliberately holding in her plump,chubby, roly-poly,little hands,even as Sammy and Debbie had since put their magazines back.  

         Of course,Carol Anne obediently,submissively did as she was forcefully,authentically instructed (especially as her friends;Sammy and Debbie had done so already and were leaving with their mommies),and then she quickly,speedily raced to go catch-up with Sarah and the other girls and mommies as she got a moment's concern that they were going to leave without her.Then,once everyone duteously,biddably,purposely got outside to the store parking-lot,that was when they all intentionally, begrudgingly,somberly departed and soon climbed into their own,respective,cold,steel beauties (after putting their groceries into their respective car-trunks,of course),that was it for them at least for a few more days before they'd eventually and this time deliberately,meet again.

                                        In the week leading up to the 3-day Labor Day 2022 weekend,the kids tried to relish their last bits of "freedom",as they could and/or saw fit, though with this usually being without Carol Anne seeing her friends,at least from Carol Anne's angle,it wasn't quite as memorable as if she had been say rambunctiously, jovially splashing about in our backyard,in-ground,sprawling swimming-pool,for example. Nevertheless,Carol Anne did relish the time that she had as much as she could,under the circumstances,of course.Then when the 3-day Labor day weekend arrived by September 3,2022,Carol Anne was excited because she instinctively,intuitively knew that this meant that she was going to be able to see her gaggle of little girlfriends again.Now,that Saturday was the rainy day of the weekend and therefore the girls met at the mall,while that Sunday (September 4,2022),we invited the Andersons and the Thompsons to come over to our house to relax,chit-chat,enjoy snacks and refreshments and if they wanted;come swimming in our backyard,in-ground swimming-pool (though it was mostly their six sweet,bubbly, rambunctious children that did the latter).Of course,Carol Anne really didn't care what they did exactly,as long as she was able to play with her best friends in the whole world,Carol Anne didn't care if she and her friends spent the whole time in the pool,in her bedroom,in a mall or supermarket or in a barn or pig-sty and they greeted everyone in the usual way; enthusiastically,delightfully bellowing-out each other's names.Not surprisingly,before anyone came over that day,Carol Anne and the boys already wanted to go get changed and go swimming.Therefore,Sarah allowed them to at least get changed into their swimming attire and therefore,Carol Anne already was in one of her colorful,decorative,one-piece bathing-suit;ready to splish-splash in the pool when the Thompsons arrived.

      "Hey,Sammy,want to come swimming with us?!",Carol Anne ecstatically,gleefully, jovially questioned,once Amanda,Keith and the kids came over to our house at around a quarter to 1PM,as they,as per usual,were the first ones to come over for obvious reasons and of course,Sammy and her two older brothers;anticipating going swimming in our backyard, in-ground swimming-pool,were also in these bathing-suits that they usually wear with Samantha,like Carol Anne,wearing a colorful,decorative bathing-suit. 

       "Yeah,can I go swimming with Carol Anne,Mommy?",Samantha then hopefully, delightfully,gleefully inquisitioned Amanda,knowing full well that Amanda wasn't going to refuse or turn her "sweet,little angel" down;certainly for this,for she did let Samantha and her two big brothers come over to our house in their usual,colorful bathing suits.

         "Sure honey,but you guys need some adults to be outside to watch you guys",Amanda then wisely,sensibly,pragmatically declared to Samantha,though she and the other kids didn't necessary take that as a rejection of their desires and therefore they still rambunctiously thundered out to the backyard.

       The kids did obediently,submissively wait for us adults to get outside with them before they went thunderously hopping into our backyard,in-ground swimming-pool. Then,once we came outside,all of the kids quickly,speedily hopped right into the pool and were soon rambunctiously,boisterously splashing about in our in-ground swimming-pool. Naturally,seeing Carol Anne and her friends especially having a grand,old time rambunctiously splashing about and the big,bold,beautiful,wide,gorgeous smile upon her stunningly beautiful,precious,chubby,chunky,cherubic,little face was worth the price of admission,as it were and this wasn't lost on the mommies.

       "Man,I just love seeing the girls playing and being so happy together.................look at those smiles on their faces;isn't it so precious?",Sarah judiciously,assiduously,punctiliously questioned Amanda and Natalie,as Natalie,Ron and their kids had since come over as well and Cheryl and her family hadn't arrived yet,but they had been invited too.

       "Yes,it really is lovely to see;really priceless",Amanda then authentically,sensibly, bluntly agreed with Sarah,as they were all glancing towards the in-ground pool,over the loud,noisy,thunderous din of all of the kids;not just Carol Anne,Sammy and Debbie, boisterously,rumblingly splashing about and/or playing all sorts of different pool-games; both old-school,like Marco Polo and modern,21st Century affairs.

        Then,once the last of the party came and Candace joined the girl,the party really got started and we all enjoyed the last fleeting moments of the 2022 summer season and the last fleeting moments before the kids would be begrudgingly,reluctantly,somberly heading right back to school.Then,by 6PM,we all had some barbecue for dinner and then the party went inside for the last couple of hours before it was time for Amanda,Natalie and the gang to head off back home,as obviously the party didn't just die off like someone having a heart-attack when it was time to get out of the pool and ravenously,savagely eat the dinner that me and the guys had so thoroughly,meticulously cooked-up on the grill.      

                                                                     Chapter 7

                                    When the morning of September 7,2022 finally arrived,it started out like any of the past myriad mornings for me and Sarah,but for Carol Anne and the boys and really for millions of kids their ages,it was anything but what's been normal,at least since June 21 or so.
