Chapter 1(continued)
Later that evening; once my bedtime approached and Mommy and Daddy got me washed-up and got me to use the potty and once I was done, Mommy dotingly, devotedly helped me get cleaned-up and to pull my little flower-printed panties up, Mommy had me industriously, painstakingly pad down the hallway with her on those plump, chubby, little leggies of mine and then right into my all-over-pink, uber-girly, ultra-feminine bedroom. Of course, being so used to Mommy and Daddy just purposely picking me up and industriously, productively lowering me right down into my big, bold, beautiful, mahogany cribby-crib; to say that I was really confused on what to do now that I didn't have a cribby-crib to climb into or rather be placed down into by Mommy and/or Daddy, would be a drastic understatement. Therefore, I stoutly, steadfastly stood there all dumbfounded, with this really dumb look on my plump, chubby, chunky, cherubic little face, once I first duteously, obediently, respectfully arrived into my all-over-pink bedroom or nursery; glancing up at Mommy and Daddy with this really confused look on my plump, billowy, roly-poly, little face.
"Come on, Carol Anne-honey-bunny; time to climb into your brand, new 'big girl bed', for your first night in a bed rather than a crib", Mommy authentically, pragmatically instructed me, as she padded right over to my all-over-pink "big-girl bed", and then tried to encourage me to come over by showing me how nice and soft it was and even put one or two of my plushy, fuzzy friends on it. "Come on, Carol Anne; Mister Bunny and Mister Kitty want you to climb into bed with them"
Naturally, once I saw my plushy, fluffy, little stuffed animal dollies on my new "big girl" bed and they were pleading with me to join them, I naturally couldn't resist and immediately, energetically padded right over to my all-over-pink "big girl" bed and immediately climb aboard, with Mommy's help, of course. Then, after giving me a minute or two to hug Mr. Bunny and Mr. Kitty, Mommy and Daddy had me neatly, systematically climb under my soft, warm bed-covers.

"Okay, Carol Anne-honey-bunny; climb in under your nice, warm covers here................there, now lay down and me and Mommy will tuck you in", Daddy authentically, pragmatically, shrewdly instructed me and sure enough; being the good, well-behaved, little girl that I am, I did exactly as Daddy had explicitly, prudently instructed me and laid down; firmly, securely, dynamically pressing my adorable, precious, cherubic, towheaded, platinum-blonde head into my soft, new, pink pillow; the pillow being so soft and plushy (almost as soft as my one-piece, footed, Winnie-the-Pooh blanket sleepers that I wear in the winter-time), that my head sank deep down into it. "See, now don't you love being in your own nice, soft 'big girl bed', sweet-pea, angel-peanut?"
"Yes, Daddy, it really feels nice and soft; my 'big girl' bed, I love it!"
"See, we knew that you would, angel-sweetie!"
"Okay, sweetheart, you go night-night now and me and Daddy will see you in the morning", Mommy then warmly, invitingly, politically instructed me, before cautiously leaning down and planting a sloppy, messy, slapdash kiss on my soft, plump, roly-poly, billowy cheeks,like a gardener in a garden Mommy and Daddy's kissing me always making me feel extra warm and fuzzy inside.
Later that evening; once my bedtime approached and Mommy and Daddy got me washed-up and got me to use the potty and once I was done, Mommy dotingly, devotedly helped me get cleaned-up and to pull my little flower-printed panties up, Mommy had me industriously, painstakingly pad down the hallway with her on those plump, chubby, little leggies of mine and then right into my all-over-pink, uber-girly, ultra-feminine bedroom. Of course, being so used to Mommy and Daddy just purposely picking me up and industriously, productively lowering me right down into my big, bold, beautiful, mahogany cribby-crib; to say that I was really confused on what to do now that I didn't have a cribby-crib to climb into or rather be placed down into by Mommy and/or Daddy, would be a drastic understatement. Therefore, I stoutly, steadfastly stood there all dumbfounded, with this really dumb look on my plump, chubby, chunky, cherubic little face, once I first duteously, obediently, respectfully arrived into my all-over-pink bedroom or nursery; glancing up at Mommy and Daddy with this really confused look on my plump, billowy, roly-poly, little face.
"Come on, Carol Anne-honey-bunny; time to climb into your brand, new 'big girl bed', for your first night in a bed rather than a crib", Mommy authentically, pragmatically instructed me, as she padded right over to my all-over-pink "big-girl bed", and then tried to encourage me to come over by showing me how nice and soft it was and even put one or two of my plushy, fuzzy friends on it. "Come on, Carol Anne; Mister Bunny and Mister Kitty want you to climb into bed with them"
Naturally, once I saw my plushy, fluffy, little stuffed animal dollies on my new "big girl" bed and they were pleading with me to join them, I naturally couldn't resist and immediately, energetically padded right over to my all-over-pink "big girl" bed and immediately climb aboard, with Mommy's help, of course. Then, after giving me a minute or two to hug Mr. Bunny and Mr. Kitty, Mommy and Daddy had me neatly, systematically climb under my soft, warm bed-covers.
"Okay, Carol Anne-honey-bunny; climb in under your nice, warm covers here................there, now lay down and me and Mommy will tuck you in", Daddy authentically, pragmatically, shrewdly instructed me and sure enough; being the good, well-behaved, little girl that I am, I did exactly as Daddy had explicitly, prudently instructed me and laid down; firmly, securely, dynamically pressing my adorable, precious, cherubic, towheaded, platinum-blonde head into my soft, new, pink pillow; the pillow being so soft and plushy (almost as soft as my one-piece, footed, Winnie-the-Pooh blanket sleepers that I wear in the winter-time), that my head sank deep down into it. "See, now don't you love being in your own nice, soft 'big girl bed', sweet-pea, angel-peanut?"
"Yes, Daddy, it really feels nice and soft; my 'big girl' bed, I love it!"
"See, we knew that you would, angel-sweetie!"
"Okay, sweetheart, you go night-night now and me and Daddy will see you in the morning", Mommy then warmly, invitingly, politically instructed me, before cautiously leaning down and planting a sloppy, messy, slapdash kiss on my soft, plump, roly-poly, billowy cheeks,like a gardener in a garden Mommy and Daddy's kissing me always making me feel extra warm and fuzzy inside.
"Yes, you go night-night now,angel-peanut", Daddy then foursquarely,obtusely commanded me, as it was now his turn to voraciously,rapaciously,slipshodly kiss me on my soft, plump, roly-poly, billowy cheeks and silky-smooth,angel-soft forehead;my whole pudgy,chubby,roly-poly face just blaringly glistening from both Mommy and Daddy's copious amounts of saliva on it.
"Okay,night-night Mommy;night-night Daddy"
Mommy and Daddy then slowly,meticulously stepped away from me in my brand-new "big girl bed",and then punctiliously,conscientiously stepped out of my all-over-pink bedroom.Of course,once the lights went off,I strengthened my already quite tight grip on my beloved,plushy dollies,even with my dim-glowing night-light piercing the big,bad,scary darkness just enough for me to be comfortable and though it was hard to get to sleep with all the newness of everything,I did conscientiously drift off into a nice,peaceful,restive,recuperative slumber......................eventually.
Chapter 2
For the first few nights after I got my new "big girl bed", it took me some time to get used to actually sleeping in a "big girl bed", rather than a cribby-crib.The first big change that I noticed and it wasn't hard to get used to was being able to actually get up out of said "big girl bed", without needing to patiently,tolerantly wait until Mommy and Daddy get up before I can actually get out of the thing like I did back when I slept in my trusty,reliable,dependable,big, bold,beautiful, pink,mahogany cribby-crib.In fact,that first morning,I didn't even realize this and just stayed in my "big girl bed", until Mommy and Daddy came around and;realizing that I was staying in place because I didn't realize that I could actually get up on my own,they informed me that I was free to get up whenever I wanted to.Therefore,it might've taken me a few extra days and nights to get used to the routine,but after about a week,I was getting up-and-about whenever it struck my fancy.Then,at or during the last weekend of July;about two weeks after my birthday, Mommy and Daddy took me and the boys out to the beach and of course,before we left,Mommy helped me into my colorful,decorative one-piece bathing-suit.Then,once everyone was in their bathing-suits and Mommy and Daddy had our blankets,refreshments and other needed essentials all packed-up,we left the house,climbed into Daddy's cold,steel beauty and then we were off to the beach.Then,when we got to the beach,Mommy painstakingly,industriously got me out of my car-seat (though I was already trying to figure out how to get it open,but Mommy came to the rescue to finish the job,as it were).
"Okay,Carol Anne-honey,up you go!", Mommy documentarily,truly, clinically declared,when she first got my car-seat-belt off and then placed her hands under my chubby,pudgy,chunky,roly-poly armpits and energetically,enthusiastically hoisted me up into her strong,loving arms,while Daddy and the boys were getting out themselves.
"Mommy,I wanna walk",I then bluntly,adeptly demanded,as she was carrying me around and I wanted to get down;thinking that Mommy was going to be carrying me the whole way and I've been wanting to walk rather than carried around a lot lately.
"Okay,sweetheart;Mommy's going to let you walk by yourself..................there you go"
Mommy then slowly,gradually placed me right down on the ground or floor,but then grabbed my adorable,plump,pudgy,little hands and then we all toddled right out away from Daddy's car and right onto the beach with our blankets and chairs and things and I had my little pink bucket and shovel in the other hand that Mommy wasn't holding onto at the time;that stuff called sand eventually getting into my sandals and making it quite uncomfortable to walk,but once Mommy and Daddy picked a spot to place our things and Mommy put down a blanket,she let me take my sandals off and then I plopped myself right down on the blanket and started playing with the beach toys Mommy brought me before Mommy put that stuff called suntan lotion on my arms and leggies,while Daddy and the boys had to put more of that stuff on them,including their tummies since their bathing-suits didn't cover-up their tummies like mine and Mommy's beautiful,colorful,one-piece bathing-suits did,however.
As it turned out,we had a lot of fun at the beach that day.Daddy and Mommy took me in the water and they and even Billy and Teddy played with me in the sand that day.Daddy even showed me how to make a sand castle.It was about halfway through our being at the beach when Daddy showed me and the boys how to make a sand castle and that was mostly when he came around and saw that Billy and Teddy were trying to make me a sand castle and obviously they were doing it wrong or something.
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